dogwood tree español

Dogwood tree español

Cornus kousa — Kousa dogwood.

These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Have a look at the Swahili-English dictionary by bab. More information. Context sentences Similar translations. Context sentences English Contextual examples of "dogwood tree" in English These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Similar translations Similar translations for "dogwood tree" in Spanish. Spanish cerezo silvestre cornejo.

Dogwood tree español


Spanish palmera.


Dogwood trees and shrubs Cornus spp. The 17 types of dogwood trees in this genus that are native to the United States also include some species that are best described as subshrubs—fast-growing woody plants that tend to die back in the winter to ground level and grow back from buds near the base of the plant. These plants are known for providing year-round interest, from early spring flowers and summer berries to brilliant fall colors. Some species even have colorful stems that offer winter appeal. Dogwoods are low-maintenance, easy-care trees and usually bloom in either their first or second year without much intervention. With species that are native to Asia, Europe, and North America, as well as dozens of cultivars, you'll have no problem choosing a dogwood tree suited to your purpose. You can identify a dogwood by looking at three of its physical characteristics: leaves, bark, and fruit.

Dogwood tree español

Cornus is a genus of about 30—60 species [Note 1] of woody plants in the family Cornaceae , commonly known as dogwoods , which can generally be distinguished by their blossoms, berries, and distinctive bark. Several species have small heads of inconspicuous flowers surrounded by an involucre of large, typically white petal-like bracts , while others have more open clusters of petal -bearing flowers. The various species of dogwood are native throughout much of temperate and boreal Eurasia and North America, with China, Japan, and the southeastern United States being particularly rich in native species. Species include the common dogwood Cornus sanguinea of Eurasia, the widely cultivated flowering dogwood Cornus florida of eastern North America, the Pacific dogwood Cornus nuttallii of western North America, the Kousa dogwood Cornus kousa of eastern Asia, and two low-growing boreal species, the Canadian and Eurasian dwarf cornels or bunchberries , Cornus canadensis and Cornus suecica respectively. Depending on botanical interpretation, the dogwoods are variously divided into one to nine genera or subgenera ; a broadly inclusive genus Cornus is accepted here. Cornus is the Latin word for the cornel tree, Cornus mas. The name cornel dates to the s, via German from Middle Latin cornolium , ultimately from the diminutive cornuculum , of cornum , the Latin word for the cornel cherry.

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Origen Japan, Korea and central China. Preguntas frecuentes. There are several good cultivars, usually selected from the species chinensis. Corteza y ramas grey, later slightly flaking. Multi-stem 2 Multi-stem 2 High 2. Starts as a shrub and grows into a multiple-stemmed tree. Resistencia al viento good. Spanish durazno. Tolerates more drought and is slightly stronger than C. When should Cornus kousa trees be planted? Copa wide vase-shaped to round, half-open crown, capricious growing.

Cornus florida , the flowering dogwood , is a species of flowering tree in the family Cornaceae native to eastern North America and northern Mexico. An endemic population once spanned from southernmost coastal Maine south to northern Florida and west to the Mississippi River.

In full bloom particularly decorative. Width of the crown circa 4 - 5 m. Phrases Speak like a native Useful phrases translated from English into 28 languages. Remember me. Cornus kousa 'China Girl'. The leaves of Cornus kousa turn amarillo, naranja, rojo in autumn. Similar translations Similar translations for "dogwood tree" in Spanish. By completing this registration, you accept the terms of use and privacy policy of this site. Why not have a go at them together! Spanish cerezo silvestre cornejo. The growth is slow, especially when maturing. What autumn color will Cornus kousa get? Cornus kousa 'Julian'. Cornus kousa var. Requires a rich soil with a high humus content.

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