Does kylo ren die

Among the most prevalent themes in the Star Wars saga is that of family, of the intergenerational connections that forge lasting legacies.

Despite the external Darth Vader similarities — from the voice modulator to the helmet design — Kylo Ren was quite different from grandfather. The Last Jedi made clear that Ren no longer wanted to be given orders and that he wished to leave the past behind by killing Supreme Leader Snoke. Yet in The Rise of Skywalker , Kylo was once again the pawn of a bigger villain — Emperor Palpatine — and reverted to briefly using the same helmet he had destroyed in The Last Jedi. Despite the flaws in its approach to Ren, The Rise of Skywalker set up a definitive redemption for the character. However, with Snoke dead, there were no other Star Wars sequel trilogy characters who could be the final antagonist for the third film. But by bringing Emperor Palpatine back, The Rise of Skywalker made sure that Kylo Ren was not the only villain the heroes would have to face. With a new, much more powerful Star Wars villain now part of the story, it became easier for Kylo Ren to be redeemed.

Does kylo ren die

This article contains major The Rise of Skywalker spoilers. You can read a spoiler free review here instead. Rey and Kylo Ren, in particular, get closure after three movies of fighting and trying to fulfill the legacies of past generations. For Rey, this means defeating the Sith once and for all and reviving the Jedi Order. Ad — content continues below. Leia tells him to let go of his hatred, Rey saves his life even though she has no reason to nor does he deserve it , and Han forgives him for his past sins. With both spiritual and physical wounds healed after his climactic duel with Rey, Ben sheds his Kylo Ren guise — lightsaber, tunic, and cloak — and dons a questionable sweater to go help the young Jedi on Exegol. Ben fulfills his destiny in the climactic battle on Exegol by returning to the light that was inside of him all along, and uses it to pull Rey back from the dark side and stop her from killing the Emperor and becoming the new Dark Lord of the Sith. During the Pasaana sequence, The Rise of Skywalker teases the ability to transfer life energy from one being to another. Rey uses it as a way to heal a creature in need, but the Emperor shows us that someone can also use the Force to steal life energy from another. Free of life support, the Emperor once again ascends his throne, no longer in need of either Rey or Ben.

I know what I have to do.

Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. Once you have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the list of issues. See this article's talk page for more information. Ben Solo was a human male Force-sensitive who fell to the dark side of the Force as Kylo Ren —the " Jedi Killer ," master of the Knights of Ren , and ultimately the Supreme Leader of the First Order —but he returned to the light side shortly before his death. The heir to the Skywalker bloodline , Ben Solo possessed raw strength in the Force and had the potential for limitless power. The phantom Sidious similarly targeted Solo and used his creation , Supreme Leader Snoke , to groom Solo from an early age to doubt his family and eventually turn to the dark side.

Before we get to the big boss fight against Grandpappy Palps at the end of the movie, we see quite a few scenes of Rey and Kylo either taunting each other via Force Skype, or fighting with lightsabers and such IRL. After spending most of the film trying to convert Rey to Sitholicism, he ends up switching sides himself after Leia Organa spends her last bits of energy reaching him via the force. He has a beautiful—if unnecessary and confusing—scene with his father Han Solo, where they exchange the classic Solo love declaration. And from there, Kylo Ren is saved and is Ben Solo once more. With his goodness once again restored, Ben travels to Exogol to help Rey in her fight against Palpatine. It doesn't go great.

Does kylo ren die

Driven to destroy the past, Kylo killed his father and his master, supplanting Snoke as Supreme Leader. In time, all three would help Ben Solo return to the light. Kylo was determined to destroy the last remnants of the Jedi, fulfilling the legacy of Darth Vader. Both the First Order and the Resistance were determined to locate Lor San Tekka , a galactic scout rumored to know how to find Skywalker. When Kylo captured Poe, he discovered the map was now in the memory banks of BB-8 , an astromech on Jakku. Snoke warned Kylo that there had been an awakening in the Force, and his apprentice would face a test when he confronted his father. Kylo swore his loyalties were only to Snoke. But he was intrigued when he captured Rey , a Jakku scavenger whose Force abilities were raw but very powerful. A mysterious connection seemed to link the two. Rey then bested Kylo in a lightsaber duel, sparing his life.

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Contents move to sidebar hide. Leaving, Ben collapses the bedrock around Voe and Tai and leaves the planet. When Ren finds the wayfinder and arrives on Exegol, Palpatine reveals that he has been manipulating Ren and the First Order, having created Snoke as a means of turning Ren to the dark side. JJ Abrams told Entertainment Weekly , "It was a great joy to work with Adam Driver on this role, because he threw himself into it in a deep and remarkable way. Los Angeles Times. On the Life Day after his demise, Rey uses a blue-green crystal key from the Jedi Temple on Kordoku to open a portal to the World Between Worlds, a dimension that exists outside of time and space, and travel through time to witness the training methods of Jedi Masters past on the Life Days of different years. Those closest to him believed that he went in search of the first Jedi Temple , [9] which he eventually discovered on the planet Ahch-To. Ren had killed the creature from within, where it was vulnerable, and managed to cut his way out, emerging from its corpse covered in the blood of the Benathy's deity. When Solo sacrificed himself to revive Rey, he died and became one with the Force, joining his parents, uncle, and grandfather. Screen Rant. As long as Luke Skywalker lived, Snoke seethed—as long as the Jedi remained—so did hope across the galaxy. It was a short but brutal contest, in which Ren kept striking his bowcaster injury in order to fuel his anger and power. As Hux had anticipated through new tracking technology, the First Order armada emerged from hyperspace to find the Resistance fleet unprepared and defenseless in the Oetchi system. By decree of the Supreme Leader, Ren's true name could never be spoken.

When you wage a Star War, not everyone is going to make it out alive.

The blade, which was still under Ren's control, carved through Snoke, cutting him in half before returning to Rey's grasp. Kylo Ren sacrificed everything in his pursuit of power through the dark side, choosing to isolate himself from the people he loved as Ben Solo. The Jedi apprentice Rey had briefly grown close to Ren through their unique Force-bond and believed she could turn him back to the light, but she rejected his offer to rule with him. Hux, likewise, was a man of science and had little understanding of Ren's mystical ways. Palpatine then senses Rey and Ben's connection as a dyad in the Force, and absorbs their energy to restore his full power, before casting Ben into an abyss. Read Edit View history. Ben rushes to help Rey defeat Palpatine on Exegol. At one point before the attack on Tuanul , an Xi -class light shuttle carrying Kylo Ren and General Hux crash-landed on a distant world. Ren's journey to Exegol revealed to him that the demise of the last Sith Lord had not ended the Sith religion. When she awoke, she asked where her friends were, and Ren told her he had no idea and pointed out that would be a relief to her. Notwithstanding Skywalker's view on the Force, Solo surpassed his peers in every aspect of their training, including lightsaber combat and meditation. At first, Ren found it unlikely for a single droid to be capable of stealing a ship but allowed Mitaka to continue. The Hollywood Reporter.

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