dnd dryad

Dnd dryad

We need dnd dryad See the editing guidelines for ways to contribute. They are tree spirits with the forms of beautiful albeit woody women who benevolently protect forests and woodlands.

The Dryad originates as a tree spirit from Greek mythology and would inhabit trees and forests. These creatures kept to themselves and avoided contact with most other beings. While they may not have worshiped the Greek goddess Artemis, they could often be found with her and are described as friends. Dryad is often just a generic word for a tree-spirit nymph, there are several more specific dryads like the daphnaie, epimelides hamadryad, and the meliae. Each of these were tied to specific types of trees like the epimelides often inhabited fruit trees, the daphnaie resided in laurel trees, and the meliae could be found in walnut trees.

Dnd dryad

Legal About Contact. Edit Source Print. Innate Spellcasting. The dryad's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma spell save DC The dryad can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:. Magic Resistance. The dryad has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Speak with Beasts and Plants. The dryad can communicate with beasts and plants as if they shared a language. Tree Stride. Once on her turn, the dryad can use 10 feet of her movement to step magically into one living tree within her reach and emerge from a second living tree within 60 feet of the first tree, appearing in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the second tree. Both trees must be Large or bigger. Fey Charm.

Swords of Eveningstar. They also know a handful of useful spells.

Dryads are humanoids who live within the woods. They blend in with nature itself due to plant-like properties that grow out of their bodies, like twigs, grass hairs, bark skin, leaves, and even flowers. For the most part, dryads are almost exclusively female, though some may be androgynous, as they are merely spirits of nature in the end. Dryads embody the trees usually, but some are found in other plants like river reeds and flower bushes. They usually wear loose clothing made of plant material.

They appeared to be beautiful women with delicate features seemingly made of soft wood. Their hair seemed to be made of leaves and foliage that changed color with the seasons of the calendar. All dryads were magically bound to a single tree. These trees served as the dryad's life force and home. They fought to the death to protect their bonded tree, as should the tree be cut or destroyed, the dryad died soon afterward. A dryad could not stray too far from her bonded tree without suffering the same fate. If a dryad left the vicinity of her tree for too long, she died. Acorn of far travel : If a dryad spellcaster cast this spell on an acorn harvested from her bonded oak tree , she was considered to be in contact with her tree at all times, regardless of the actual distance between them. Thus she became able to travel great distances without growing sick.

Dnd dryad

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Tymora's Luck. Deep Dive - Red Wizards of Thay. Deep Dive - The Revenant. Deep Dive - The Hollyphant. Tree Stride. Many times these men don't want to be rescued as the Dryad has completely entranced them and if they do escape, or the spell is broken, the Drayd will let them go willingly and perhaps even give them some gems or coins as a token of their appreciation. It doesn't mean they will always be leaving their forest, as they have a deep disdain for other locations, but they can at least go on a pizza run for the rest of the Dryads. Swords of Eveningstar. Some dryads will even die if their home tree does. The narrator continues by informing the students that Dryad's find attractive young humanoids, especially humans and elves, and will keep them as treasures, much like an adventurer who keeps the loot they find in a dungeon.


The creation of these Dryads is based on the dragon purge in the Dragonlance series, which is located on Krynn. Hamadryads appear to be stunningly beautiful elven or human females, with bright green eyes and long green hair. They blend in with nature itself due to plant-like properties that grow out of their bodies, like twigs, grass hairs, bark skin, leaves, and even flowers. The narrator continues by informing the students that Dryad's find attractive young humanoids, especially humans and elves, and will keep them as treasures, much like an adventurer who keeps the loot they find in a dungeon. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Cancel Save. It is also said that the touch of a Hamadryad can cure a horrible disease known as Nilbogism, which can cause certain goblins to go a bit crazy. Watch: site category page. Archived from the original on They feel uncomfortable in cities and will rarely indulge in excess. A dryad struck by the beauty of a stranger might investigate more closely, perhaps even try to lure the individual away to be charmed. These trees served as the dryad's life force and home. A few different creatures, like satyrs, forest spirits, and tree haunts can be found hanging with their favorite ladies of the forest, the biggest addition is that a Dryad can create a verdant reaver. The moment you grab on to a Briar Witch Dryad, you immediately grab on to thorns and begin bleeding… profusely.

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