dlsite japan

Dlsite japan

Greetings, this is DLsite. DLsite is home to the biggest digital storefront in Japan for otaku content like doujinshi, games, comics, and audio works! Easily make purchases and enjoy them freely from your smartphone or computer, anytime, anywhere. We've got everything from individually-made, indie doujin works all the way dlsite japan products from popular creators, dlsite japan, publishers, and game studios.

Download Demo. A simple ero side-scrolling action game. Enemies damage your female character until her energy is depleted, resulting in a sex attack. Absorb life force to refill the "drain gauge" while you progress. Future updates will fix bugs, add monster profiles, add game over animations Space bar - skip event Drain gauge - fill it up to 69 for a 1UP Game over - see a failure animation Boss battle - win to see a punishment animation K key - instant kill for your character Change difficulty in the option menu at any time 40 enemies 6 stages Unlockable gallery of boss battle punishment animations Demo Ver2.

Dlsite japan

Modify search conditions. Add to Cart. DLsite is a 2D content download site specializing in doujinshi, manga, H games and more. Doujin Product Formats [Game] product list. Game works. Save Search Conditions. Search parameters saved. Add to Cart Favorites. Assassin Sara: The Chaos Reaper. The Crossdressing Detective. Make Your Own Character!

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Dlsite japan

This service allows registered translators to easily translate works online with permission from the original creators. Translation requests are already being accepted, and within 30 days there have been over 3, works approved for translation! Profits from the translated versions are divided between the translators and the original creators. DLsite's international section is surprisingly old, dating back to ! Its main focus then was spreading otaku content to the English-speaking world. In , DLsite added Chinese and Korean language support, making it easier to use than ever before. With these new languages, DLsite is gaining tens of thousands of new users from outside of Japan each month, and as of October , has reached over 1. Though there are some foreign users who can read Japanese, many cannot, so we're constantly receiving translation requests from our international users.

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As of , DLsite had reached over 9 million global users.

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