digimon characters

Digimon characters

Since it started in digimon characters '90s, Digimon has been a top-rated anime franchise, expanding into several series, videogames, and even a TGC game.

A college senior studying political science and economics. He currently lives alone, having decided to support himself once he started college. He applies himself cheerfully and earnestly to both his studies and his part-time job, but the truth is, he's undecided about what to do with his future. To this day, if somebody involved with Digimon is in trouble, Taichi will take action to help them. Taichi's partner Digimon; he's a reptile Digimon.

Digimon characters

Each child is partnered with a Digimon and use a Digivice [a] to help them Digivolve [b] into stronger forms. The main DigiDestined cast was designed by Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru. Producer Satoru Nishizono and the staff used a name analysis software to decide on the characters' names, using kanji combinations that related to "luck". This page only includes the forms shown in the anime. Many of these characters gained alternate digivolutions in spin off media. In Digimon Adventure tri. In , the Dark Masters take advantage of the DigiDestined's absence by sealing away the Sovereigns and converting the Digital World into Spiral Mountain which is divided into four territories. As the DigiDestined learn, each Dark Master's defeat causes their domain to dissolve and be restored to its original form. Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read Edit View history.

Later, when they are playing a card game, Noriko draws the Joker digimon characters denies it when the other girls ask. A group image depicting the DigiDestined featured in Digimon Adventure. He wears a white shirt with short sleeves and two buttons at the collar, gray pants, digimon characters, and brown sandals.

Digimon Adventure Encyclopedia Explore. Locations Digital World Real World. Digivice Crest Tag Digimental Digiegg. Digimon Chosen Children Evolution Level. Explore Wikis Community Central.

Due to the insane increase in traffic after the release of Digimon Survive, we are routing some traffic through a cloud service. Please let us know if you notice any issues! Koroku talk. December 22, Takutoumon has been added to the Digimon Reference Book. October 27, Ukkomon has been added to the Digimon Reference Book.

Digimon characters

Digimon Adventure Encyclopedia Explore. Locations Digital World Real World. Digivice Crest Tag Digimental Digiegg. Digimon Chosen Children Evolution Level. Explore Wikis Community Central.

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MegaSeadramon is one of the Digimon Myotismon brings to the Real World , and his Digimon Analyzer profile implies that he is the Seadramon that the DigiDestined fought earlier, now digivolved into a stronger form. The duo then return to Shibuya. Sakamoto, Chika Japanese. He is a DigiDestined partnered to a DemiVeemon. School Festival Committee President. In Digimon Adventure 02 , Digitamamon runs a restaurant near the lake and the bill caused trouble for Yolei. Acknowledging the miracle formed from the bond between humans and partner Digimon, Jesmon takes flight and stalls Ordinemon's advance before slicing Gatomon out of the fusion. Bartley, Ryan. On August 1, , Mimi approaches Michelle, who she missed after all the time in the Digital World , and also hugs Terry, her behavior confusing both girls. The Best Dark Digimon.

Abbadomon Core. Aegiochusmon: Blue.

Since he's really young in the first series, T. He is three years younger than his wife and owns Ai-mart. A wise and enigmatic guiding figure for the protagonists, Gennai possesses extensive knowledge of the digital world and its history. Takenouchi, Sora. As Taichi's younger sister, Kari inherits her brother's bravery and determination alongside her kind-hearted nature. Poi second brother. She did initially start off on a bit more of an abrasive note with the other Digimon, most notably setting Gomamon off with her attitude in Adventure episode 45, but she eventually settled in. It took Kari's tears to bring Andromon back and make him remember his previous friendship with Kari and the other DigiDestined. They became friends. Although he does not get much, his wife says it was great. Shigematsu, Atori. Analogmon is responsible for what is happening on File Island, he also has a Digimon named Machinedramon as his partner.

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