Devexpress grid documentation
Namespace : DevExpress. Assembly : DevExpress.
Namespace : DevExpress. Assembly : DevExpress. NuGet Packages : DevExpress. Grid , DevExpress. The Data Grid GridControl is a container of Views , which display data from a bound list, table, or collection in a specific format. If you bind the grid to a simple list, table, or collection, a single View is required to display this data.
Devexpress grid documentation
Contains classes implementing Grid View functionality GridView. Assembly : DevExpress. NuGet Packages : DevExpress. Grid , DevExpress. If you have any questions, submit a ticket to our Support Center. All docs. General Information. Support Services. Install Trial Version. Install Registered Products. NuGet Packages. Install Updates.
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This topic describes how to work with the Grid control, its Views and columns data fields. This video walks you through basic Data Grid customization. It begins with an empty Data Grid control with an applied GridView format, which displays records as rows and columns. Then, it shows the main Grid control features: data binding, column creation, sorting, grouping, and filtering data, summaries, access to grid options, in-place editors, etc. Finally, the GridView is converted to the LayoutView format, which displays underlying data as cards instead of rows and columns. The WinForms Grid control ships with a flexible View-based architecture. Views — visual components that can be embedded in the Data Grid.
Namespace : DevExpress. Assembly : DevExpress. NuGet Packages : DevExpress. Grid , DevExpress. The Data Grid GridControl is a container of Views , which display data from a bound list, table, or collection in a specific format. If you bind the grid to a simple list, table, or collection, a single View is required to display this data.
Devexpress grid documentation
This topic describes how to work with the Grid control, its Views and columns data fields. This video walks you through basic Data Grid customization. It begins with an empty Data Grid control with an applied GridView format, which displays records as rows and columns. Then, it shows the main Grid control features: data binding, column creation, sorting, grouping, and filtering data, summaries, access to grid options, in-place editors, etc. Finally, the GridView is converted to the LayoutView format, which displays underlying data as cards instead of rows and columns. The WinForms Grid control ships with a flexible View-based architecture. Views — visual components that can be embedded in the Data Grid. Assign an appropriate View to the Grid control to display data in a specific manner. The GridView displays data in a tabular form. It is represented by the GridView class.
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It is represented by the ItemsView class. Values for these columns can be calculated according to an expression or within an event handler. Read the following topic for information: Redistribution and Deployment. XtraEditors Imports DevExpress. BI Dashboard. GridView - Cell Merging. The Grid Designer has a navigation bar on the left that allows you to select various pages. Security Information. Set the Mode property to EndlessPaging to enable endless paging mode, which enables you to load grid rows on demand when a user scrolls the grid. NET Core.
The GridView control allows you to display data from a data source in a grid. The grid displays data source fields and records as columns and rows in a table.
BestFit colProcessed. Thanks for your feedback! NET Bootstrap. Install Registered Products. Data card format Card View Displays each data record as a contact card. So the grid control is a container for grid Views, which actually display the data. Support Services. Filter table of contents Clear search input Full-text search. Dashboard for Desktop. Enumerates values that specify the button clicked in the Edit Form. SortOrder , GridColumn. In addition, you can Sort Data by Group Summaries. The Data Grid can display and edit data from any data source of any size and complexity. SpreadsheetML; using DevExpress. Columns Imports DevExpress.
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