Detective conan detective

The story follows the high school detective Shinichi Kudowhose body was transformed into that of an elementary school-age child while investigating a mysterious organization. Generally, he solves a detective conan detective of cases by impersonating his childhood best friend's father and various other characters. The anime resulted in animated feature filmsoriginal video animationsdetective conan detective, video gamesaudio disc releases and live action episodes. Funimation licensed the anime series for North American broadcast in under the name Case Closed with the characters given Americanized names.

While on a date with Rachel, Kudo is attacked by two shady thugs who slip him an experimental drug. His new identity is a secret to everyone but his eccentric inventor friend, Dr. Luckily for all involved, Conan is on the job, too. Treasure hunt! When a mysterious coded map ends up in the hands of Conan and his new friends from school, the Junior Detective League is born! On a cross country train, Conan comes across two sketchy men that might be connected to the night of his big shrink! To make matters worse, the hoods are packing a bomb!

Detective conan detective

El elenco actual se enlista y especifica en la segunda etapa. Doblaje Wiki. Doblaje Wiki Explora. Contenido destacado. Bakugan 3. Actores de doblaje. Actrices de doblaje. Explorar otros wikis Comunidad Central. Current Wiki. Crear un wiki. Detective Conan. Ver historial Comentarios 8. Kappei Yamaguchi Bobby Jackson. Minami Takayama Conan Blasi.

Retrieved September 25, Archived from the original on November 9,

Welcome to the Detective Conan Wiki! We strive to become the number one source of all things Detective Conan related, but not without your help! If you need to contact a moderator or an admin, please consult the following list. You need to register before making any edits. Here's a list of easy tasks: Contributing. After graduating from university, Miyashita started a career as assistant director, but later specialized in scriptwriting, starting in the s in police TV dramas, and later shifting to Tokusatsu. He first started scriptwriting for anime series in , and was a writer for Detective Conan as early as the series' inception in

The story follows the high school detective Shinichi Kudo , whose body was transformed into that of an elementary school-age child while investigating a mysterious organization. Generally, he solves a multitude of cases by impersonating his childhood best friend's father and various other characters. The anime resulted in animated feature films , original video animations , video games , audio disc releases and live action episodes. Funimation licensed the anime series for North American broadcast in under the name Case Closed with the characters given Americanized names. The anime premiered on Adult Swim but was discontinued due to low ratings.

Detective conan detective

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. The Golden Apple of Discord 2. Pointing a Gun at My Face 3.

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Crear un wiki. Archived from the original on August 15, Make sure to cast your vote there! Separated from Eri Kisaki, Ran's mother. Sonoko Suzuki first appeared in an anime original episode? Archived from the original on October 11, Archived from the original on April 22, Akira Kamiya Kogoro Mori …. Nagano Police District. Conan's homeroom teacher and Ninzaburo Shiratori's girlfriend. Retrieved March 7, He has a damaged eye covered by a shaded lens. Archived from the original on February 22,

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Member and self-proclaimed leader of the Detective Boys. Archived from the original on August 31, His last assignment was to assassinate a politician. Deceased member of the Black Organization known as the "Mad Scientist". He was Matsuda's best friend. Archived from the original on December 26, Archived from the original on December 5, Conan Edogawa. He first started scriptwriting for anime series in , and was a writer for Detective Conan as early as the series' inception in Rumi Wakasa. Photos Retrieved June 4, TMS Entertainment. January 6,

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