Death on k2 2023

The mother of Mohammed Hassan, death on k2 2023 Pakistani porter who died on July 27 during a summit of K2, weeps while she holds a portrait of him at their home in Tasar, a village in the Shigar district in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of northern Pakistan, Saturday, Aug. Children of Mohammed Hassan, a Pakistani porter who died on July 27 during a summit of K2, hold a portrait of their father and grandfather at his home in Tasar, a village in the Shigar district in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of northern Pakistan, death on k2 2023, Saturday, Aug. An investigation has been launched into the death of Mohammed Hassan following allegations that dozens of climbers eager to reach the summit had walked past the man after he was gravely injured in a fall.

The tragic death of Muhammad Hassan on K2 as dozens of climbers stepped over him on their way to the summit shocked climbers and non-climbers alike. The inquiry attempted to get at the facts and make changes to prevent such incidents in the future. The results were published on September 8. See this post on Instagram. The government has banned Lela Peak Expeditions, the outfitter who hired Hassan, from managing teams in Gilgit-Baltistan for the next two years.

Death on k2 2023

An investigation has been launched into the death of a Pakistani porter near the peak of the world's most treacherous mountain, a Pakistani mountaineer said Saturday. The investigation was prompted by allegations that dozens of climbers eager to reach the summit walked past the porter after he was gravely injured in a fall. The accusations surrounding events on July 27 on K2, the world's second-highest peak, overshadowed a record established by Norwegian climber Kristin Harila and her Sherpa guide Tenjin. By climbing K2 that day, they became the world's fastest climbers, scaling the world's 14 highest mountains in 92 days. Harila rejected any responsibility for the death of the porter, Mohammed Hassan, a year-old father of three who slipped and fell off a narrow trail in a particularly dangerous area of K2 known as the bottleneck. Two other climbers on K2 that day, Austrian Wilhelm Steindl and German Philip Flaemig, aborted their climb because of weather, but they said they reconstructed the events later by reviewing drone footage. The footage showed dozens of climbers passing a gravely injured Hassan instead of coming to his rescue, Steindl told The Associated Press on Saturday. He alleged the porter could have been saved if the other climbers, including Harila and her team, had given up attempts to reach the summit. Steindl added that the footage shows "a man trying to rub Hassan's chest, trying to keep him warm, to keep him alive somehow. You can see that the man is desperate. Everyone would have had to turn back to bring the injured person back down to the valley. Steindl said July 27 was the only day in this season on which conditions were good enough for mountaineers to reach the summit of K2, which explains why there were so many climbers who were so eager to get to the top. Harila told Sky News that Hassan had been dangling from a rope, head down, after his fall at the bottleneck, which she described as "probably the most dangerous part of K2. At some point, she and another person from her team decided to continue to the top while another team member stayed with Hassan, giving him warm water and oxygen from his own mask, the climber said. Harila said she decided to continue moving toward the summit because her forward fixing team also had run into difficulties, which she did not further detail in the interview.

Harila said she decided to continue on to the summit because her forward fixing team also ran into difficulties, without giving any details in the interview. In an email to Insider on Tuesday, the tourism secretariat of Gilgit-Baltistan wrote that the committee's inquiry was underway. Retrieved death on k2 2023 June

A well-known Norwegian mountaineer has denied accusations that her team climbed over an injured guide during a bid to break a world record. The porter, named as Mohammed Hassan, had fallen off a ledge on Pakistan's K2 - the world's second-highest mountain. Video on social media appears to show a group walking by Mr Hassan, who reportedly died a few hours later. But Kristin Harila told the BBC she and her team tried everything to help him in dangerous conditions. I think that's very, very sad that it ended this way," she said.

In the darkness, they rose. More than men and women advanced warily through the ice, grasping lines that had been anchored into the mountainside just hours before. Some had waited months for this ascent. They had a small window: Winds had finally calmed on the morning of July 26, giving teams their first chance to summit K2, the King of Mountains, in the Pakistani-administered area of the Kashmir. In the vanguard was the rope-fixing team, a handpicked squad of the strongest Sherpas and guides. Working through the thick snow, they opened a route by securing ropes along the rocky Abruzzi Spur, the most common path to the peak. Behind them, a column of headlamps peppered the Pakistani mountainside like fireflies in the fog.

Death on k2 2023

At roughly am on July 27, a long line of climbers moved slowly above 8,m on K2, the second-highest mountain in the world and one of the most dangerous. It was dark as they navigated the Bottleneck and the hazardous traverse below the Great Serac. They were focused on their goals. Some were pursuing records. Most knew that they would have to summit that day or go home. Their expeditions wrapped up at the end of the month. Expedition leaders, coordinating the summit push from Base Camp, started receiving reports of avalanches, and then an accident.

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She said that she'd received death threats and that her and Tenjen's legacies had been marred, possibly forever. Retrieved 1 July The porter, named as Mohammed Hassan, had fallen off a ledge on Pakistan's K2 - the world's second-highest mountain. Harila told Sky News that Hassan had been dangling from a rope, head down, after his fall at the bottleneck, which she described as "probably the most dangerous part of K2. When they reviewed the shots in base camp the next day, they were horrified. As of May , there had been 1, successful summits and 22 deaths on Lhotse. Facebook Email icon An envelope. In an Instagram post Friday, she wrote that no one was at fault in the tragic death. Climbers along the traverse began shooting videos of the breathtaking, bleak beauty of the mountainside. Mingma G at K2 Base Camp. The rocks in the Bottleneck would cause serious damage to the body, so rescuers would have needed to lift Mohammad off the ground while descending the gully. Sherpas and guides navigating the treacherous terrain would have neither time nor headspace to watch out for a porter, Freire said. The expedition team didn't appear to address Mohammad's death in videos shot of its triumphant arrival back in base camp. Retrieved 18 September

There have been allegations climbers eager to reach the summit had walked past the man. Aug

Together with Mohammad's companion and another Sherpa, Tarso eventually brought Mohammad to the path. Retrieved 3 August So Harila's team split up. Gerard McDonnell. Retrieved 28 July A companion of Mohammad's stood farther down the mountain path, seemingly unsure of how to mount a rescue. Richard Leopoldo Hidalgo Jara. Karrar Haidri, the secretary of the Alpine Club of Pakistan, a sports NGO that governs the local mountaineering scene, told Insider that high-altitude porters "typically have expertise up to roughly 7, meters," though he said some might be trained for higher elevations. Alison Chadwick-Onyszkiewicz. Doe said their Sherpa scouted ahead and, seeing a clear route, ushered them forward on the traverse.

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