Davis drug guide 18th edition

Davis Company. All rights reserved. Cynthia A. To my son, Ben, whose sensitivity and sense of humor make even the toughest day easier.

Quickly answer medication questions — dosing, administration, side effects, interactions, and more. Browse Davis's Drug Guide. Whether you are a student, nurse, administrator, educator, or healthcare professional, get the most up-to-date and reliable drug information, right when you need it. Pediatric Dosage Calculations. We're glad you have enjoyed Davis's Drug Guide! As a thank-you for using our site, here's a discounted rate for renewal or upgrade.

Davis drug guide 18th edition


To my daughter, Katharine, whose dedication and passion in seeking her goals I admire. Forgot your username or password? Margaret F.


Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses provides comprehensive, up-to-date drug information in well-organized, nursing-focused monographs. It also includes extensive supplemental material in 14 appendices, thoroughly addresses the issue of safe medication administration, and educates the reader about 50 different therapeutic classes of drugs. In this 18th edition, we have continued the tradition of focusing on safe medication administration by including Medication Safety Tools and even more information about health care's most vulnerable patients: children, the elderly, pregnant women, and breast feeding mothers. These medications are considered to be potentially inappropriate for use in older adults because they are associated with more risk than benefit in this patient population. In addition, we've included information relevant to Canadian students and nurses. You'll find an appendix comparing Canadian and U. To help you find this information quickly, we've also added a maple leaf icon in the index next to each Canadian entry.

Davis drug guide 18th edition

Quickly answer medication questions — dosing, administration, side effects, interactions, and more. Browse Davis's Drug Guide. Whether you are a student, nurse, administrator, educator, or healthcare professional, get the most up-to-date and reliable drug information, right when you need it.

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