damon salvatore hot

Damon salvatore hot

A story of a girl who just moved to mystic falls to live damon salvatore hot her dad because her mom had to go somewhere because of word purposes! Where she was born. What Happens when Elena m

There are many good reasons to become invested in a show like The Vampire Diaries. It has nothing to do with plot and everything to do with the one and only Ian Somerhalder , who plays bad boy vamp Damon Salvatore. But as all dedicated fans of the series know, we've seen a lot more of this character than just his eyes. Creator Julie Plec and company have been kind enough to grace us with numerous Damon Salvatore shirtless scenes throughout the years, all of which are extremely swoon and highly drool worthy. In fact, it's high time that chiseled chest got the proper recognition it deserves, which is why I've taken the liberty of ranking Damon's shirtless moments from slightly sizzling to positively scorching. Also, you're welcome.

Damon salvatore hot


Also no, definitely not.


Damon is a handsome young man with a height of 5'10', a well-toned body, and the physical appearance of a year-old despite being over Throughout the series, Damon usually wears black shirts with black jackets. With striking, intense blue eyes contrasting wonderfully against dark eyelashes and eyebrows, and a "bad boy" smile, he can be described as relatively athletic, strong, sexy and seductive. He also considers himself the "eternal stud". Damon favors dark clothing over light or colorful clothes.

Damon salvatore hot

Damon is so popular because he is a gorgeous man, he has a great personality, and his humor made him a fan favourite very quickly within the popular fantasy show. For a long time, Damon was considered the evil brother in comparison to Stefan, but there is definitely an argument to be made that he was simply misunderstood, and underneath his cool, calm and collected nature, he had a good heart. This article looks to highlight 40 quotes of his from all of his time in the Vampire Diaries Series, and perhaps through reading them, you will come to understand his character in a way that you may not have been able to before. Igor is an SEO specialist, designer, photographer, writer and music producer. He believes that knowledge can change the world and be used to inspire and empower young people to build the life of their dreams.

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I was feeling hungry so I went to this place called The grill there a cute blonde guy took my order his name was matthew. Originally Published: March 25, Also, you're welcome. And when Damon used her, she was more in the mood for revenge. Where stories live. Things are extra awkward at this point, as she is trying and failing to make things work with Stefan as a newbie vampire, while also attempting to suppress her feelings for Damon. Updated: Jan. When I went towards the grill I saw a really hot guy dressed in all black and with his long black hair it matched he looked towards me and smirked I just smiled I wasnt ready for love. First, this had been a long time coming, and for Delena fans , this moment felt like Christmas. His trademark sassy antics pair with nudity make this one of the best Damon Salvatore shirtless and clothes-less for that matter scenes of all time. When Katherine Steals The Moonstone. In fact, it's high time that chiseled chest got the proper recognition it deserves, which is why I've taken the liberty of ranking Damon's shirtless moments from slightly sizzling to positively scorching. The Almost Kiss.

Luther Swann in Netflix 's sci-fi horror series V Wars.

While this is a lovely example of a good rip-shirt scene, adding bloodshed and torture into the mix immediately afterward kind of kills the mood some people would much prefer to see Stefan tortured than precious Damon — if it were between the two — sorry, not sorry. See All Health Relationships Self. Is anyone mad about it? Originally Published: March 25, First, this had been a long time coming, and for Delena fans , this moment felt like Christmas. Damon pays scheming Isobel a surprise visit and entertains himself with a little game of strip poker while he waits for her arrival. When he strolls into his living room, an unsuspecting Elena gets quite the view — before she gasps and covers her eyes, of course. Then I went to the girls toilet there I ran into someone we bumped into each other. Was his shirtlessness necessary for the plot? Rebekah is not the forgive and forget type. Cousins coming for a visit :o. Updated: Jan. Not even Elena could resist such a massive temptation of bourbon and abs.

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