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Content approaching. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. Czerka Arms , also known as the Czerka Corporation , [1] was an arms manufacturer that produced the Adventurer slugthrower rifle , which was used by the bounty hunter Aurra Sing during the final decades of the Galactic Republic. Princess Fanry of the planet Pijal described the Czerka Corporation as being nearly as powerful as the Galactic Senate. Czerka was thousands of years old, and rumored by some to be older than the Republic itself. Four millennia before the Battle of Yavin , the planet Kashyyyk was discovered by the Czerka Corporation, who renamed the planet G, and later to Edean. Around BBY , a plot of land on the Timekeeper Moon was handed over to Czerka by the government of Eiram , after its neighbor and rival E'ronoh failed to pay tariffs on their lease of the land.


To all our Our Patrons for their unwavering love and support. Toggle Menu. The corporation exported many of their weapons to Justa Starport on Mutanda. Czerka is one of the most profitable corporations in the Galaxy. Recently it has experienced a boom in growth thanks to breakthroughs in the BioTech field. Public Agenda As an influential and adaptable corporation, Czerka Corporation maintains a strong commitment to compliance with Imperial regulations. We strive to establish a favorable relationship with the Empire, ensuring that our operations align with Imperial laws. By securing government contracts and leveraging our expertise, we position ourselves as a reliable and indispensable partner to the Imperial government. Czerka Corporation actively seeks opportunities within Imperial policies, aiming to maximize our profitability and contribute to the Empire's goals. Through collaborations with various Imperial entities and maintaining our market dominance, we continue to solidify our position as a leading corporation in the galaxy.

Juggernaut Immortal Vengeance Rage. Czerka produced some energy weapons, but found a niche in the manufacture of czerka blaster personal weapons and "non-standard" munitions, czerka, such as flame projectorsvibrobladesand slugthrowers.

In Legends they most notably appear in the Old Republic stories. Czerka is portrayed as being ruthless, greedy, amoral, unscrupulous, and downright criminal at times, doing whatever - in every sense of the word - it takes to make a profit. They are shown to be involved in various criminal activities, including murder, slaving as seen in the first KOTOR game , extortion, and smuggling, among other things. They are also depicted as being close allies and suppliers of the Sith Empire. In Knights of the Old Republic , Czerka is running a slaving operation on the planet Kashyyyk, made possible by a traitorous Wookiee chieftain named Chuundar the brother of Zaalbar, companion of the amnesiac Revan Czerka do not hide that they have great contempt for the Wookiees. However, the Wookiees, with the aid of an exile named Freyyr Zaalbar and Chuundar's father and Revan and his companions, lead a revolt against Chuundar and Czerka that ultimately proves successful in driving the company off the planet. Czerka also had a foothold on Tatooine, experimenting with the native dewbacks to breed "war dewbacks" that were larger and more aggressive than their easily domesticated cousins.

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! Content approaching. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. Czerka Arms , also known as the Czerka Corporation , [1] was an arms manufacturer that produced the Adventurer slugthrower rifle , which was used by the bounty hunter Aurra Sing during the final decades of the Galactic Republic. Princess Fanry of the planet Pijal described the Czerka Corporation as being nearly as powerful as the Galactic Senate. Czerka was thousands of years old, and rumored by some to be older than the Republic itself.


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While Czerka Corporation has aligned itself with various republics, empires, and religious cults in the distant past, the modern Czerka recognizes that these have always been ephemeral, as any ideologically driven movement must be. As previously described, this agreement was ended when Revan aligned himself with Chuundar's deposed father Freyyr and encouraged a revolt. From the native dewback , company scientists also attempted to breed "war dewbacks" that were larger and more aggressive than their easily domesticated cousins. Czerka's Czerka Secret Weapons Division 7 in the Dune Sea of Tatooine also dug up a Rakatan Mind prison that contained the Imprisoned One , who used nanotechnology to turn all the employees into mindless drones. Dukha Industrial. Kilsyth Guards. Anywhere, anytime Star Wars: Galaxy Without Hope. In BBY , the Republic nationalized the Czerka Corporation and dissolved it as a company; however, the company's former employees regrouped into Czerka Interstellar , and the company eventually took on the name Czerka Arms. Black Hawk Defense. Mythical Trading. Nevertheless, such an investment had been made that officials were unwilling to close it down and the sale of ore from Tatooine continued.

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! The corporation exported many of their weapons to Justa Starport on Mutanda.

Year InterGalactic Banking Clan. The corporation exported many of their weapons to Justa Starport on Mutanda. This distaste did not, however, compromise Czerka's income. Ailon Nova Guard. Zero Gravity. Czerka supplied freighters and supplies to the local Sith Academy in accordance with its Sith alliance. The company's officials offered a reward to any other slicer who could help stop the security breaches. Of course, if the local populations knew how to make the most of their planetary resources themselves, they would have done so long before our arrival. Shadola United. At the time of the Old Sith Wars , the business was at its zenith, because they had influence of half of the worlds of the galaxy and so Czerka was considered a monopoly. Hutt Cartel. Don't have an account? Sage Telekinetics Balance Seer. Jedi Order.

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