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Cuando sale pubg new state

Now, Krafton has changed the name of the game to New State mobile. The studio has announced that with this change, they will be focusing more on providing a top-notch gaming experience. The name change has been applied to all the social media handles of the game already, cuando sale pubg new state.

By Jon Porter , a reporter with five years of experience covering consumer tech releases, EU tech policy, online platforms, and mechanical keyboards. The game is set in the year , and will offer a futuristic take on the multiplayer-focused PUBG formula with new features like weapon customization and in-game drones. New State will be available in over countries and 17 languages at launch. New State is a significant launch for the PUBG series, which popularized the battle royale genre after the launch of its first title in PUBG is far from the only game to have had these problems, however. Other companies like Activision and Valve have made news recently with their efforts to prevent cheating in their games and hardware, respectively.

Cuando sale pubg new state

As of December , the game surpassed 50 million downloads worldwide. In NEW STATE Mobile , players are deployed by jumping out of a plane on a remote 8x8 island called Troi, the game's main map, to collect supplies and battle each other as they fight to survive, with the last one becoming the winner. Troi is set in the year in the northern United States, with a futuristic environment, buildings, architecture and monuments. NEW STATE Mobile features interactive objects and structures with destructible windows and doors, and players can intersperse between a first person and third person perspective. It also features weapon customization with different firing mode selections, grenade launchers, grips, sights, silencers, and other types of weapon accessories. The game has secondary 4v4 multiplayer modes, such as team deathmatch, where up to four weapon loadouts can be selected. In July , Krafton reported that the game surpassed 20 million pre-registrations on Google Play alone. The game was released worldwide on November 11, , for both iOS and Android. Beginning with the game's first season, Krafton has collaborated with the Croatian car manufacturer Rimac. Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read Edit View history.

Troi is set in the year in the northern United States, with a futuristic environment, buildings, architecture and monuments.


PUBG: New State has finally arrived, ready to breathe new life into the battle royale frenzy of recent times — which has seen likes of Fortnite , Apex Legends and Warzone continue the gaming world's obsession with the last-man-standing mode. A mobile exclusive, PUBG: New State was revealed in February alongside a cryptic announcement trailer which, naturally, left fans eager to learn more about the survival shooter. How eager? Well, the game's developer, Krafton, revealed that over 50 million pre-registrations were processed on the Google Play Store in anticipation of its arrival on November 11, Now, though, it's finally here, and below, you'll find all you need to know about PUBG: New State, including information on its new maps, modes and features.

Cuando sale pubg new state

The game seemingly came out of nowhere to completely dominate the gaming and streaming zeitgeist, but its mobile version, PUBG Mobile, is by far the most popular way to play. Set in the year , this new game will be a shake-up of the old PUBG formula. The original game first launched on PC in , with the mobile version coming to Android and iOS a year later.

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Get the hottest deals available in your inbox plus news, reviews, opinion, analysis and more from the TechRadar team. Share this story. Retrieved 12 November Download as PDF Printable version. NDTV Gadgets There are also plans for a new survival horror game set in the PUBG universe three centuries in the future, which will release in New State will be available in over countries and 17 languages at launch. In July , Krafton reported that the game surpassed 20 million pre-registrations on Google Play alone. Archived from the original on 25 October Skip to main content The Verge The Verge logo. Retrieved 7 November Up to players enter a map, and one player or squad emerges victorious. Retrieved 8 November The Verge The Verge logo.

PlayerUnknown's BattleGrounds, also known as PUBG, was arguably the first big battle royale games that helped kick off the trend that has since overtaken the video game industry. PUBG: New State is an entiretly different game, and features mechanics and gameplay that fans of the original games might not be familiar with. Get ready to play.

Retrieved 21 April Get the hottest deals available in your inbox plus news, reviews, opinion, analysis and more from the TechRadar team. The event started on January 26 will go on until February 2. India Today. Retrieved 7 November When he's not busy in the world of gadgets, Rudra is busy with a paper and pen writing poems or engaging with his growing digital audience on the Hindi rap circuit. PUBG: Battlegrounds. The Times of India. Somag News. More from Tech. Netflix's 3 Body Problem is a slick but volatile sci-fi series whose mind-bending story isn't its greatest strength. Promotional cover art. Retrieved 8 November

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