csgo pubg sensitivity

Csgo pubg sensitivity

The point of the calculator is to help dial in your mouse sensitivity to make your PUBG experience csgo pubg sensitivity more like your CS:GO experience, and have one less thing to worry about when going to a different style shooter. It can be extremely difficult to trial and error your way through these adjustments when playing PUBG, and be dangerous to your race for the prize as well. This is why the PUBG sensitivity calculator comes in handy. If you are a veteran of CS:GO and you have your favorite zoom sensitivity, you can use that setting in the calculator to automatically give you the equivalent setting changes for PUBG, csgo pubg sensitivity.

I've been trying for the past week to find a perfect equivalent of csgo sensitivity to PUBG. Considering i have put in way too many hours in CSGO, my muscle memory there is perfectly sync'ed to my eye. But i can't seem to sucessfully convert that into this game. Normal Hipfire sensitivity, suggested by the site Using Monitor distance vert But as soon as we start with the ADS , it feels way too slow and clunky.

Csgo pubg sensitivity

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Counter-Strike 2 Store Page. Global Achievements. How would one set the sensitivity then? I don't want to build up the muscle memory from scratch with new sensitivity in CSGO. With Dpi and sens 1. From around middle of the mousepad it's like degree max guessing this as there is no HUD.

These things aren't impossible at lower sensitivities, they are just easier at higher sensitivities. Originally posted by RugOp'81 :.


The point of the calculator is to help dial in your mouse sensitivity to make your PUBG experience feel more like your CS:GO experience, and have one less thing to worry about when going to a different style shooter. It can be extremely difficult to trial and error your way through these adjustments when playing PUBG, and be dangerous to your race for the prize as well. This is why the PUBG sensitivity calculator comes in handy. If you are a veteran of CS:GO and you have your favorite zoom sensitivity, you can use that setting in the calculator to automatically give you the equivalent setting changes for PUBG. Being able to get a bead on an opponent that matches your natural reaction time is oftentimes what determines a winner in a long-range engagement, and with competitive games, every edge you can get will put you that much closer to victory.

Csgo pubg sensitivity

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has been out for almost a decade now and there are so many players who have been accustomed to playing the game either casually or competitively. PUBG helped bring a popular genre into light with fresh new gameplay along with its competitor Fortnite. Many casual and competitive players alike either came from CS:GO or continue to play both games. However, playing two different shooters could cause issues with muscle memory, especially if you have been used to a certain sensitivity for a number of years. You could look around for the perfect PUBG sensitivity on the internet, but comfort is subjective and is honestly up to the individual. However, professional players have figured out the sweet spot for sensitivity to stay on a professional level and make them more accurate. The sensitivity for PUBG is set to 50 across the board, but many professional players like to average about 10 sensitivity under that.

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Last edited by Kitai ; 25 Jul, am. Here's my conversions to hipfire - only for the Normal and Targeting sens. Then i tried to put ads sens same as normal - Recently Browsing 0 members No registered users viewing this page. Like it's waay slower than aug scoped. Thank you so much. Bulver :. Enable consule And than write sensitivity x. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Change language. I would appreciate any help. It's slower.

Our official mouse sensitivity calculator can easily convert your in-game sensitivity from one game to hundreds of others, ensuring the same aim in different games. By selecting your input game and entering your sensitivity , you can calculate your optimal settings for the output game. Aimlabs will find it for you with Universal Sens Finder!

Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Most entries on most maps have positions to clear on both sides. If you are a veteran of CS:GO and you have your favorite zoom sensitivity, you can use that setting in the calculator to automatically give you the equivalent setting changes for PUBG. Sign in here. Bulver View Profile View Posts. Enable consule And than write sensitivity x. Posts: Recently Browsing 0 members No registered users viewing this page. But i can't seem to sucessfully convert that into this game. You don't need high sensitivity in this game. Sign In Sign Up. Sign in Already have an account? Originally posted by Raider Vikrraal :. There's rushing behind a flash, peeking a corner with multiple angles to cover, jump strafing.

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