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I have lived south of Rosarito for over 17 yrs and do see signs on a fence or bldg.


Agua Caliente is a historic entertainment center and present-day district of Tijuana , Baja California , at the southeastern end of the Centro borough. Tijuana [a] is the largest city in the state of Baja California located on the northwestern Pacific Coast of Mexico. Tijuana is the municipal seat of the Tijuana Municipality and the hub of the Tijuana metropolitan area. Tijuana , Baja California , Mexico. Political party. Gabriel Portilla. Zona Norte, Tijuana. Zona Norte officially Colonia Zona Norte, "North Zone neighborhood " is an official neighborhood, as well as a red light district located in Tijuana , Mexico. It is among the largest red light districts in North America known for its brothels, which present themselves in public as strip clubs and The population of the region was 5,,, making it the largest bi-national conurbation shared between the United States

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