counters warwick top

Counters warwick top

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CounterStats provides valuable counter picking insights for League of Legends players. Play smart with our LoL champion counters. All Rights Reserved. No results found. Warwick Builds. Hide Jungle In the Jungle

Counters warwick top

Warwick top on Patch Below is a detailed breakdown of Warwick top counters against top champions with a minimum of games. Warwick wins against Garen After normalising both champions win rates Warwick wins against Garen 4. The average opponent winrate against Garenis Warwick wins against Illaoi After normalising both champions win rates Warwick wins against Illaoi 6. The average opponent winrate against Illaoiis Warwick wins against Trundle After normalising both champions win rates Warwick wins against Trundle 0. The average opponent winrate against Trundleis

He also has the potential to invade you and will heal back to full HP. Darius Top.


Warwick jungle on Patch Below is a detailed breakdown of Warwick jungle counters against jungle champions with a minimum of games. Warwick wins against Pantheon After normalising both champions win rates Warwick wins against Pantheon 8. The average opponent winrate against Pantheonis Warwick wins against Volibear

Counters warwick top

Warwick top has a The best Warwick players have a Analyzing 5, games played by the top Warwick players worldwide over the last 7 days. The average rank of these top Warwick players was Diamond I. Taking into account win rate and summoner rank Warwick is ranked amongst all champions in the hands of an expert. Maximum 50 summoners are used per region with a minimum of Diamond IV and 50 games played on Warwick to be eligible.

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Super Speedy Pig! Kindred Jungler. After you get a few items, he will fall off and be useless. CCing him might definitely help against him, but once that's out if he's still alive he's gonna sustain himself back to full health just off an ult. After normalising both champions win rates Warwick wins against Volibear 0. I would say this match up is heavily skill based once you've completed Lost Chapter and picked up Oblivion Orb. Avoid him and play on the opposite side of the map and hope that your team doesn't feed him. He heals too much, is very tanky, and has a fear and a suppress. Gank machine Hecarim by Razvan1ro Hecarim Player. Xayah Buntowniczka. Investing in healing reduction can do a lot in this matchup. Gwen Top [All builds and matchups] [ Executioner's Calling or Bramble Vest are great in all ins to stop a lot of his healing. Because his W guides him to free ganks, he's much more likely to get fed in low elo. You can check the dragon pit with your W.

CounterStats provides valuable counter picking insights for League of Legends players. Play smart with our LoL champion counters.

Use your E execute damage to kill him as it is a burst. Try to avoid combat until you have a significant advantage, concede if you must, and try to find a path around him to get your objectives. Graves Jungler. He can lock you down and get you bursted. Perma CC him in teamfights so he cant heal and he will rage. Otherwise, concede lane completely and scale or wait for help. Warwick wins against Irelia Never take extended 1v1 fights vs him. If you block ulty with W then you win. WIP: A basic morde guide [ Do not trade much before you get bramble vest. Illaoi Top. Relax and you outscale him hard. Mundo Top. Be careful around dragons!

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