cookie swirl c videos

Cookie swirl c videos

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National Today. Candance, better known as CookieSwirlC, born on March 14, , is an American Youtuber who goes professionally by her online name. She has also been involved in designing Cookie Swirl World, an app for children. She has a younger sister named Melody, and she attained her high school diploma from her local high school in Sacramento. She is of the Christian faith. After high school, she enrolled at a local private university in California. She is known for her YouTube channel, where she plays games and posts about collectible toys.

Cookie swirl c videos


Birth date: March 14, She sells merchandise To provide more content for her fans, CookieSwirlC began selling merchandise on her website. She doesn't have a TikTok There are a few impersonators around, and she has stated on her channel that the TikTok and Cookie swirl c videos accounts linked to her name aren't affiliated with her.


She was born on March 14, also known as Pi Day. Years ago, Candace got on YouTube and found out people who posts videos of her interest. Toy horses. So, out of randomness and inspiration, she uploaded her first video on her first ever channel, HoneyHeartsC formerly known as HoneyHearts27 , which is a channel that mostly consists of horses. Her first ever video was a storytelling video, telling how she had only played by herself in her bedroom when she was younger, and out of nowhere, that video of hers got really popular. Which helped get her more famous, and well-known.

Cookie swirl c videos

You are not currently logged in. You will still be able to browse Wikitubia, but you will be unable to edit without an account. Please go here to create a Fandom account. Candace [1] born: March 14, [age 27] [ citation needed ] , who is also better known online as CookieSwirlC , is an American YouTuber whose channel is comprised of videos of her playing Roblox and featuring toys from series such as Barbie, My Little Pony, Shopkins, Monster High, Disney's Frozen, and many more. The game is designed for kids ages years old 3rd to 9th Grade. Years ago, Candace found videos of toy horses, which she was interested in on YouTube. So, out of randomness and inspiration, she created her first video on her first ever channel, HoneyheartsC formerly HoneyHearts27 , a channel that mainly consists of horses. Her first ever video was a story video, telling that she had only played by herself in her room when she was younger, and out of nowhere, that video of hers populated, which got her popularity as well, thus she uploads more and more videos until her channel grew.

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Upcoming Today Tomorrow Monday. Citations needed. The videos mainly consisted of toy horses and collectibles. She doesn't have a TikTok There are a few impersonators around, and she has stated on her channel that the TikTok and Facebook accounts linked to her name aren't affiliated with her. Height: 5' 0". Holidays Straight to Your Inbox Every day is a holiday! The toys are still being produced, but the apps have been discontinued. All Months National Today Calendar. We keep track of fun holidays and special moments on the cultural calendar — giving you exciting activities, deals, local events, brand promotions, and other exciting ways to celebrate. It took creativity and focus for Karina to venture into the realm of famous YouTubers. After high school, she enrolled at a local private university in California. She has notably donated to various charities over the years. His gameplaying skills are unlike any other and he knows how to entertain his audience.

Children's entertainment has evolved in a huge way over the last few years. While there are now network, cable, and streaming channels dedicated to children's programming, allowing children to watch their favorite shows and characters at any time of the day, YouTube is now a huge part of how children consume information. YouTube personalities have grown in popularity over the years, and now people who started out making fun and informational videos for kids now have millions of subscribers who watch them religiously.

Nowadays, the channel focuses on Resident Evil Village. Drawn by illustrator. She sells merchandise To provide more content for her fans, CookieSwirlC began selling merchandise on her website. So Cool is on a mission to be what he was destined to be. She is known for her YouTube channel, where she plays games and posts about collectible toys. She has a younger sister named Melody, and she attained her high school diploma from her local high school in Sacramento. Honey , originally HoneyheartsC and Honeyhearts27 is her second channel. It took creativity and focus for Karina to venture into the realm of famous YouTubers. Log in Sign up. Holidays Straight to Your Inbox Every day is a holiday! Candance, better known as CookieSwirlC, born on March 14, , is an American Youtuber who goes professionally by her online name. View history Talk 0. This article needs cited sources to support its information. She prefers to focus on her Youtube channels and she lists all her valid social media in her profile on YouTube.

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