Columbine eric harris and dylan klebold

Harris and Klebold killed 12 students, one teacher, and wounded 24 others. At the time, it was the deadliest high school shooting in U. The ensuing media frenzy and moral panic led to "Columbine" becoming a byword for school shootingsand becoming one of the most infamous mass shootings ever perpetrated in the United States.

Ten of the twelve students killed were in the school library, where Harris and Klebold subsequently committed suicide. Twenty-one additional people were injured by gunshots, and gunfire was also exchanged with the police. Another three people were injured trying to escape. The Columbine massacre was the deadliest mass shooting at a K school in U. Harris and Klebold, who planned for at least a year and hoped to have a large number of victims, intended for the attack to primarily be a bombing and only secondarily a shooting. But when several homemade bombs they planted in the school failed to detonate, the pair launched a shooting attack.

Columbine eric harris and dylan klebold

In the months before the rampage, one co-worker saw Harris and Klebold explode a "dry ice " bomb during their shift at a Blackjack pizza parlor. A friend watched the teens detonate another bomb in a ditch near Chatfield Reservoir. In his bedroom, Harris also showed the friend two pipe bombs, built with instructions taken from the Internet. But on the day of the killings, in a house rife with gasoline fumes, Wayne Harris told police he had "no reason to believe his son would be involved with such a situation. Klebold said he had no idea what happened or why, and indicated that Dylan was his best friend and that they spent a lot of time together," investigators wrote in an April 30 report. Two months before the worst school shooting in U. Harris and Klebold killed 12 students and a teacher, while wounding 21 others, before killing themselves in the Columbine library on April 20, The murders shocked the world and set off national soul-searching about the way America raises its children. The Jefferson County Sheriff's Office released the four boxes of documents Tuesday to comply with a court order from a lawsuit filed by two Columbine families. The records included interviews with hundreds of Columbine students and teachers, plus dozens of other associates of Harris and Klebold.

Harris then yelled, "Who's ready to die next?! Retrieved September 12,


The Columbine shooting on April 20, at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, occurred when two teens went on a shooting spree, killing 13 people and wounding more than 20 others, before turning their guns on themselves and committing suicide. The Columbine shooting was, at the time, the worst high school shooting in U. At approximately a. The pair then moved inside the school, where they gunned down many of their victims in the library. By approximately a. Shortly after 12 p. Investigators later learned Harris and Klebold had arrived in separate cars at Columbine around on the morning of the massacre. The two then walked into the school cafeteria, where they placed two duffel bags each containing a pound propane bomb set to explode at a.

Columbine eric harris and dylan klebold

Dylan Klebold was a child of upper-middle-class parents, considered gifted in grammar school. But he didn't feel like he fit in at Columbine High School in Colorado. He and his friend Eric Harris developed a hatred of school, and on April 20, , they brought guns and pipe bombs to murder as many students as they could. They killed 13 people and injured 20 before committing suicide. Klebold was born on September 11, , in Lakewood, Colorado. His father was a geophysicist and a mother worked with the disabled. His parents eventually started their own real estate management company and provided an upper-middle-class life for their family.

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A second attempt in late found copies of the document within the Jefferson County archives. Archived from the original on April 14, When an economics class had Harris make an ad for a business, he and Klebold made a video called Hitmen for Hire on December 8, , which was released in February Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. The military ultimately rejected Harris due to his use of the antidepressant Luvox, and some speculated that rejection fueled the shootings. In the months before the rampage, one co-worker saw Harris and Klebold explode a "dry ice " bomb during their shift at a Blackjack pizza parlor. Harris was eventually promoted to shift leader. At noon, this would be followed by bombs set up in their personal cars detonating, killing first responders and others on scene. Klebold walked down the steps toward the cafeteria. At , they returned to the cafeteria, and briefly entered the school kitchen. The stairs were located around the corner from the library hallway in the main south hallway. Archived from the original on September 27, He then fired his shotgun at a nearby table, injuring three students: Patrick Ireland, Daniel Steepleton, and Makai Hall. February 16,

Harris and Klebold killed 12 students, one teacher, and wounded 24 others. At the time, it was the deadliest high school shooting in U.

April 20, ; 24 years ago a. Several official sources claim they planned to shoot the fleeing survivors from the parking lot but, when the bombs failed, they moved to the staircase on the hill at the west side. Harris parked his vehicle in the junior student parking lot, and Klebold parked in the adjoining senior student parking lot. Archived from the original on June 11, Their original plans indicated that when these bombs detonated, Harris and Klebold would be waiting at their cars and would shoot, stab and throw bombs at survivors of the initial explosion as they ran out of the school. According to psychologist Peter Langman, Klebold displayed signs of schizotypal personality disorder — he struck many people as odd due to his shy nature, appeared to have had disturbed thought processes and constantly misused language in unusual ways as evidenced by his journal. At am, he heard the first gunshots after he had walked some distance away from the school, and informed the police via a neighbor's cell phone. Another three people were injured trying to escape. Eric Harris had even gone so far as to study how many people were in the cafeteria at any given time during the lunch hour. Columbine High School both. July 23, Jefferson County Sheriff's Office Colorado.

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