coeur al aran

Coeur al aran

Jaune's first appearance is in One Good Turn Deserves Another and he has either appeared or been mentioned in every work since November 11 ,

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Coeur al aran

He is known within the community for having completed several novel-length works and consistently updating ongoing ones on a weekly or biweekly basis. Most of his stories focus on the character of Jaune Arc, usually with some minor or major changes made to either his character or the setting as a whole. On hiatus. Currently an open-ended set of one-shots that may update whenever Coeur feels like. The concept for the anthology started with the authors playing a game of producing stories under pressure in 15 minutes based on a prompt from each other with a few guest authors , so the stories aren't "stories" per se, but more of a summary of how such stories would go, with the authors giving their reviews on each other's work and reflections on their own work in the author notes. Several of Coeur's stories actually have their origins from this anthology, if you know where to look for them. Tropes present in multiple works, or works without their own pages, include: Accusation Fic : Several of his fics make clear he does not view the Brother Gods as benevolent deities, often having every character who learns about Ozpin's Dark and Troubled Past , regardless of their feelings on him, agree to the Gods being profoundly flawed at best, downright despicable at worst, for what they did to Ozma and Salem and also for inflicting global genocide on their creations as punishment for the actions of a few. Generally, Coeur's works are of the opinion that the Brothers are more to blame for Salem and Ozma's suffering in their backstory and the lingering threat to humanity than either Salem and Ozma are, while treating Salem's Start of Darkness with Adaptational Sympathy. Two omakes in Headmaster Arc take shots at some of Jaune's traits post-Volume 3. The former mocking his "hair" in Volume 7, and the latter disparaging the upgrades to Crocea Mors made in Volume 4 and 7 as either Awesome, but Impractical or redundant. He regularly accuses Team RWBY, and to a lesser extent their immediate allies, of getting away with literal crimes due to their status as Huntresses-in-training, like civilian endangerment in regards to the Paladin chase.

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Coeur Al'Aran born November 19 [1] , [2] , formerly known as Cavalyn [3] [4] and Cavartiash [5] is an English author and publisher who focuses exclusively on alternative scenarios within the RWBY canon. Several of his works range from a character interacting with another ahead of time to a complete overhaul or change in character roles, dramatically impacting the flow and structure of a story. See: s , s , and s. Coeur was born on November 19 as the third child with two older sisters. According to Coeur, his father got a criminal record as a result of "using excessive force" to subdue a criminal that broke into their house when he was a baby, likely in or From to , Coeur began attending primary school. Around , Coeur would start having ambitions to write, but he was turned away from it by his parents and teachers to "pursue maths, science and business" since it would be better for him in the long-run.

He is known within the community for having completed several novel-length works and consistently updating ongoing ones on a weekly or biweekly basis. Most of his stories focus on the character of Jaune Arc, usually with some minor or major changes made to either his character or the setting as a whole. On hiatus. Currently an open-ended set of one-shots that may update whenever Coeur feels like. The concept for the anthology started with the authors playing a game of producing stories under pressure in 15 minutes based on a prompt from each other with a few guest authors , so the stories aren't "stories" per se, but more of a summary of how such stories would go, with the authors giving their reviews on each other's work and reflections on their own work in the author notes.

Coeur al aran

Art by Serox '"A Semblance so powerful Kingdoms will kill to acquire it. A family stolen away to try and replicate its effects. A conspiracy that threatens to tear Atlas in two.

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He was busy living the life of a teacher at the illustrious Beacon Academy. On November 13, he binge-watched the entirety of RWBY from volume to learn more about the characters. Through darkness, we seek a path to a brighter future. On February 11 , , Coeur creates a Reddit account. White Sheep is Zig Zagged ; it actually made more sense after the major reveals, retroactively turning from a crackfic into a comedy AU, but it still had quite the few inconsistencies, largely in relation to the Kingdoms of Vacuo and Atlas. Hate Fic : While none of his fics are full-on hatred, there's a distinct undercurrent of contempt for certain aspects of canon in his works. That was neither, but it sure did keep things interesting. Nicolas Arc: For it is in our passing that we achieve immortality. He didn't care about the supernatural, nor believe in it. To wit, Service With a Smile fully introduces Roman and Cinder's troubled pasts , late chapters of White Sheep focus heavily on just how traumatized Ozpin and Salem are because of what the Gods did to them and on the existential threat of annihilation by the Gods returning, and A Rabbit Among Wolves manages to still function as a comedy even as it delves deep into the horrors of systemic racism and abuses of power. Minor details.

Coeur Al'Aran born November 19 [1] , [2] , formerly known as Cavalyn [3] [4] and Cavartiash [5] is an English author and publisher who focuses exclusively on alternative scenarios within the RWBY canon. Several of his works range from a character interacting with another ahead of time to a complete overhaul or change in character roles, dramatically impacting the flow and structure of a story.

Whereas canonically she played an important role in Jaune's character arc after he came to Beacon, most fics have him already going through said arc before the story begins, or give Pyrrha's role to a different character. Who better to take the mantle of leader of the White Fang? I realise some Patrons choose to support with no wish of such a reward, so if you DO pledge to this amount and wish to have a lesson, please contact me through Patreon with a private message! The Second Torch focuses on Roman Torchwick as he experiences a mid-life crisis shortly after the events of the first episode of the show, and his attempts to become a big name in crime again while dragging Neo along for the ride, much to her chagrin. Until College Fool has more time to direct the story, it cannot be continued. Through this, we prevent the mistakes of the past being made anew. Velvet is often paired with a "bad boy" like Cardin no, you did not misread that ; Russel , or Mercury. Not this time, Fate reviews When Jaune woke up back in his house with his sisters and family, all he could do was sigh. It also depicts Qrow as a silver-haired Parental Substitute to his nieces, as he and Taiyang hadn't appeared yet to establish their canon relationships; part of his personality and being The Alcoholic was written into the story midway after his debut , if not depicted with its canon severity. Too bad no one told her the VSPR was made up of Vale's worst criminals, many of which she knew by name. Jax Asturias is already a human trafficker in canon, but there's no indication that he uses his slaves as anything other than forced labor and soldiers - his appearances in Coeur's works take them to a logical conclusion with sex slaves and child slaves. Additionally, his arguments towards restricting Weiss' ambitions to be both a Huntress and then take over the SDC have him deliver some valid critiques , albeit without ignoring his emotional Gaslighting and habitual cruelty. But when a chance encounter leads to a meeting with a mysterious dancer that has her heart racing, it can be hard to resist.

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