christianity bbc bitesize

Christianity bbc bitesize

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Religions of the World. A series of short animated films teaching pupils about different religions. A series of films exploring values through stories drawn from religions and worldviews. Assemblies - Calendar. A calendar with Primary School assemblies for KS1 and KS2 linked to topical events and special days, including BBC video content, songs, time for reflection and opportunity for prayer.

Christianity bbc bitesize

Christianity is focussed on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ , who Christians believe to be the Son of God. Jesus was born in Bethlehem in the Middle East over 2, years ago. Christians model themselves on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus taught people to love God and love their neighbour. Christians believe that God sent Jesus to live as a human being in order to save humanity from the consequences of its sins. Sins are the bad things humanity had chosen to do which had separated them from God. The Christian holy book is the Bible. It is divided into the Old and New Testaments. The New Testament explains how God sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to restore the broken relationship between people and God which had been caused by human wrong-doing. Jesus was executed on a cross Crucifixion as a criminal by the Romans, and according to Christian teaching after three days he rose from the dead the Resurrection. Many Christians worship in churches. Some groups meet in homes and other buildings. Their leaders are called priests or ministers. Many churches hold a service called Communion, Eucharist or Mass , in which bread and wine are shared together, just as Jesus did with his followers before his death.

Their leaders are called priests or ministers. Theme D: Religion, peace and conflict. Religions of the World.

The nature of God and Jesus in Christianity. A key belief of almost all Christians is the belief in the Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who were all present at the creation of the world and who each take on different roles. Key beliefs in Christianity. Christianity has many different branches, called denominations. They share many of the same key beliefs, and the majority consider the Bible to be a sacred text. Practices in Christianity.

Christianity is focussed on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ , who Christians believe to be the Son of God. Jesus was born in Bethlehem in the Middle East over 2, years ago. Christians model themselves on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus taught people to love God and love their neighbour. Christians believe that God sent Jesus to live as a human being in order to save humanity from the consequences of its sins. Sins are the bad things humanity had chosen to do which had separated them from God. The Christian holy book is the Bible. It is divided into the Old and New Testaments. The New Testament explains how God sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to restore the broken relationship between people and God which had been caused by human wrong-doing.

Christianity bbc bitesize

Genesis is the first book of the Bible. Genesis 1 describes the creation of the heavens and the earth, while Genesis 2 focuses on the creation of the first humans, Adam and Eve close Adam and Eve The first human beings according to Judeo-Christian and Islamic traditions. Genesis The Bible teaches Christians that God created humans in his image. This does not mean that humans physically have the same appearance as God.

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BBC News: Religion. Christianity is focussed on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ , who Christians believe to be the Son of God. Many Christians worship in churches. The photo shows Siervas, a rock band formed by nuns based in Peru to spread the word of God through music. A series of short animated films teaching pupils about different religions. Specification Planning resources Teaching resources Assessment resources Key dates. Jesus was born in Bethlehem in the Middle East over 2, years ago. Theme B: Religion and life. Deliver powerful primary school assemblies for KS1 and KS2 linked to topical events and special days, including BBC video content, songs, time for reflection and opportunity for prayer. Assemblies - Festivals Primary School assemblies for KS1 and KS2 linked to topical events and special days, including BBC video content, songs, time for reflection and opportunity for prayer.

The nature of God and Jesus in Christianity.

The Christian holy book is the Bible. External link. Contents list. What's assessed Either four religious, philosophical and ethical studies themes or two religious, philosophical and ethical studies themes and two textual studies themes. My Life, My Religion - Islam. It is divided into the Old and New Testaments. More on Christianity. A Christian church Christian churches are a familiar sight in the UK. Jesus was born in Bethlehem in the Middle East over 2, years ago. Some groups meet in homes and other buildings. Sins are the bad things humanity had chosen to do which had separated them from God. Justin Welby, the current Archbishop, is stood on the left in this photo, next to Patriarch Kirill who is the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church. Theme B: Religion and life.

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