chloe decker actress

Chloe decker actress

German was born on November 29, in Huntington Beach, California. She later enrolled at the University of Southern California, studying anthropology, chloe decker actress. German's first work was on stage in Peter Pan and Oliver.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Lauren Christine German. Mini Bio.

Chloe decker actress

This is an overview of the regular, recurring, and other characters of the Fox seasons 1—3 and Netflix seasons 4—6 television series Lucifer. Lucifer Morningstar is a fictional character and the protagonist of the TV series Lucifer. He is portrayed by Tom Ellis. Lucifer is a fallen angel who, after leading an unsuccessful rebellion against Heaven, was banished to Hell by God to serve as its Lord. Lucifer resents his father for this, and his mother for having done nothing about it. In , Lucifer became bored with his life, so he abdicated his throne and relocated to Los Angeles to open a high-end nightclub called Lux. Lucifer later repaid this debt by helping Constantine and his allies recover Oliver Queen 's soul from Purgatory. Lucifer is open about his identity as the Devil, always telling people who he is. However, few take his claims seriously unless he shows them his "Devil Face": his true, demonic appearance the embodiment of his negative emotions , which he usually does to frighten evildoers. Lucifer is highly sexual and is irresistible to most people. As a fallen angel, Lucifer possesses several supernatural traits and abilities. He has superhuman strength, enough to throw a grown man several yards or hold an accelerating car in place if he is adequately braced. He can, however, be injured by Mazikeen's mystical hell-forged karambit blades [10] [11] or the Blade of Azrael, [12] which all celestial beings are vulnerable to later revealed to be the main part of the legendary Flaming Sword.

While trying to stop Vincent from committing another murder, Dan inadvertently possesses Chloe decker actress body and neither he nor Lucifer can figure out how to get him out, chloe decker actress. German's first work was on stage in Peter Pan and Oliver. Lucifer and Amenadiel later confront Michael and Maze who has turned against Luciferbut the fight is stopped by God's intervention.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Lauren German Actress Soundtrack. Play trailer Once Upon a Time She made her film debut in Down to You

Lauren German born November 29, is an American actress. She is perhaps best known for her role as Chloe Decker in the urban fantasy comedy-drama series Lucifer — Lauren German was born November 29, German's first work was on stage in Peter Pan and Oliver. She made her feature film debut in the romantic comedy Down to You , where she had a small role as a lovestruck woman. German appeared in a pictorial for Maxim magazine's January issue and was placed as 47 in Maxim 's "Hot of " list. She played Belinda, a popular but mean-spirited high school girl who harbors unrequited love for Landon Carter West. In , she auditioned to star in the remake of the classic horror film The Texas Chainsaw Massacre , but the role went to Jessica Biel , and German won the role of the hitchhiker.

Chloe decker actress

Lucifer was a fantasy series about the Devil helping to solve crimes with the LAPD, but one of the strong points of the show was the slow-burn romance between him and human Chloe Decker. In the series, Lucifer Morningstar abandons Hell and moves to Los Angeles where he runs a club, and experiences massive changes as he decides to help Detective Chloe Decker solve crimes, becoming a consultant to the Los Angeles Police Department. However, the biggest storyline involved Lucifer and Chloe's will-they-won't-they romance, which spread throughout the series' six seasons, starting from coworkers, becoming friends, and eventually lovers. The series originally premiered on Fox in , but three seasons later, in , Fox decided to cancel it. The fact that Lucifer had acquired a strong fan base who campaigned to bring it back made Netflix step in and, one month later, picked up the show. It continued for another three seasons, Lucifer ending with season six , that concluded the story and, subsequently, gave Lucifer and Chloe a fitting ending. The Fox series struggled to find its pacing in its first season, but one thing that was established from the beginning was that Lucifer Morningstar and Chloe Decker will have a long history.

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Like Lucifer, Mazikeen got her 'legal papers' and took-on the surname "Smith" as an alias ; when Maze and Eve got married in season 6, whether Eve had gotten one of her-own and Mazikeen took it on, or if Eve simply took Mazikeen's 'legal' surname of "Smith", instead, is never mentioned. Trixie is portrayed by Scarlett Estevez. Learn more. This article needs additional citations for verification. Vincent attempts to attack Lucifer while his back is turned, but Chloe shoots him and Vincent impales on two of Rory's weaponized feathers as he falls. In , German began appearing the fantasy comedy-drama Lucifer , loosely based on the DC comic book series of the same name, as Chloe Decker , a LAPD homicide detective who finds herself partnering with Lucifer Morningstar. He is portrayed by Tom Ellis. The two decide to retire together in Goddess' universe and before leaving, God finally admits that he loves Lucifer and is proud of who he has become. One of Lucifer and Amenadiel's many younger sisters, she is known for an interest in the culinary arts. This is reflected in the season 3 bonus episode "Once Upon a Time", set in an alternate universe, where she is a criminal carjacker and mechanic.

Lauren German is a 42 year old actress from California, though she has Dutch and English heritage. She has been acting since , but got her first big break in when she starred in romantic movie A Walk To Remember. When fans were gutted that Lucifer wasn't originally going to get a sixth season, she encouraged them to make it known on Twitter.

Lucifer's principal weakness is that he becomes vulnerable to harm whenever Chloe is close to him or in his immediate vicinity. Eventually, after her father helps her overcome the guilt and the rage—as she was on the verge of manifesting her-own 'devil face', like Lucifer's--she returns to her own time in peace upon realizing that, all-along, she was the one who asked him to leave in order to help the lost souls in hell, even forcing him to give her his word he would and ensure that things would play-out as they did for her growing-up a self-perpetuating temporal paradox. Play trailer Once Upon a Time And More. Retrieved July 14, She makes her first appearance at the end of episode 4, in season 5, having grown elderly after having relinquished her immortality in an attempt to find purpose. Lauren German. Eve, portrayed by Inbar Lavi , is the world's first female human, Cain's mother and former lover of Lucifer who appears in season 4. In season 2's premiere, she tried to analyze a sample of Lucifer's blood to find out the truth, which forced Amenadiel to throw her off the trail by fabricating a plausible explanation for Lucifer's abilities. Jophiel 's angelic name literally means "God is my Rock". At the end of the third season, Amenadiel regains his wings after witnessing Charlotte's death and takes her soul to heaven. Go to your list. Ella is a forensic scientist for the LAPD who helps Chloe and Lucifer with their cases, usually being the one conducting examinations on crime scenes and analyzing them afterward.

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