chester county sheriffs office

Chester county sheriffs office

Dykes officially commenced his term. Please visit our website for the latest versions of service affidavit forms. Fingerprinting services are available on Fridays, am to pm for Chester County residents only. For questions call

Skip to Main Content. Do Not Show Again Close. Home Government Law Enforcement. Law Enforcement 9. District Attorney. District Attorney Chris de Barrena-Sarobe.

Chester county sheriffs office

Our vision is to guarantee Chester County remains the safest and most enjoyable place to live and visit in the State of South Carolina. We are committed to holding the highest standards for law enforcement to achieve a county free of crime. Our mission is to provide the citizens of Chester County effective and efficient public safety services. We are honest in everything we say and do and we maintain strong moral principles in our personal and professional lives. We will earn and maintain the trust of our citizens by being personally and professionally accountable to the highest ethical and moral standards. We will conduct ourselves above reproach, mindful of justice, with the courage to uphold these convictions. Our personal and professional behavior will be a model for all to follow. Our actions will match our words. We will have the courage to stand up for our beliefs and do what is right. We maintain care, compassion, and concern for the well-being of all people. We will maintain a standard of what is right and proper, free from self-interest, prejudice, discrimination, or favoritism. We will be consistent, objective, and just in all our actions. We are loyal to our oath to protect the Constitutional Rights of those we serve by empowering our employees to make decisions that support the letter and spirit of the law.

Victims' Bill of Rights. Precious Metal Dealer License. Fingerprinting Fingerprinting services are available on Fridays, am to pm for Chester County residents only.


Dykes officially commenced his term. Please visit our website for the latest versions of service affidavit forms. Fingerprinting services are available on Fridays, am to pm for Chester County residents only. For questions call Fingerprinting is on a walk-in basis, no appointments are needed. We do not conduct fingerprint based background checks. Individuals requesting fingerprints must provide a valid PA driver's license or photo ID card. Print and complete the Emergency Information Form for each person living in your home and tape it to the inside of your front door - especially if you live alone or have people in your home who are elderly, memory-impaired or need special assistance. Skip to Main Content. Do Not Show Again Close.

Chester county sheriffs office

Our vision is to guarantee Chester County remains the safest and most enjoyable place to live and visit in the State of South Carolina. We are committed to holding the highest standards for law enforcement to achieve a county free of crime. Our mission is to provide the citizens of Chester County effective and efficient public safety services. We are honest in everything we say and do and we maintain strong moral principles in our personal and professional lives. We will earn and maintain the trust of our citizens by being personally and professionally accountable to the highest ethical and moral standards. We will conduct ourselves above reproach, mindful of justice, with the courage to uphold these convictions. Our personal and professional behavior will be a model for all to follow.

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We are honest in everything we say and do and we maintain strong moral principles in our personal and professional lives. Children's Advocacy Center. Detective Lieutenant Maurice Nadachowski. Skip to Main Content. Dykes officially commenced his term. Arrow Left Arrow Right. Megan's Law. We will have the courage to stand up for our beliefs and do what is right. Trial Division. Do Not Show Again Close. Fingerprinting is on a walk-in basis, no appointments are needed. The Criminal Justice System.


How to Serve on a Youth Aid Panel. Children's Advocacy Center. License to Carry Firearms. Inmate Locator. Sheriff Sales. License to Sell Firearms. Helpful Links. Honesty — Our personal and professional behavior will be a model for all to follow. Skip to Main Content. Do Not Show Again Close. Youth and Law Enforcement Symposium. The Criminal Justice System.

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