

Cheezburger Cheezburger, cheezburger, Inc. Life is funny. Follow endless feeds of funny images, GIFs, videos cheezburger Remix them with your own pix.

Newsletter The Cheezburger Shop. Log In. Tickly whiskers and gentle sniffing. View List. Hierarchy is the cornerstone of corporate business. Because of this, it is very likely that when the time comes and a new management enters the picture, she or he will want to completely revamp the scene in an attempt to assert their authority.


I Can Has Cheezburger? ICHC was created on January 11, , when Nakagawa posted an image from comedy website Something Awful of a smiling British Shorthair cat, known as Happycat, with a caption of the animal asking, "I can has cheezburger? After posting similar images, Nakagawa then converted the site to a monetized blog. In the network was acquired by Literally Media. The number of submissions has risen dramatically with the growth of the site. The site attempts to maintain a community feel, encouraging interactivity with readers via a voting system where users can rate an image from one to five "cheezburgers", and through themes as one image will attract responses to form a continuous narrative. According to Nakagawa, "It's like you're creating a story supplied by people in the community, and then the people in the community supply the next part of the story. Popular trends on the ICHC website for captioning have included "ceiling cat" usually a white cat ; "basement cat" a black cat ; the "itteh bitteh kitteh committeh"; invisible [something]; the Lolrus and his "bukkit"; fail now moved to FAIL Blog ; " om nom nom " as in eating sounds ; references to "cheezburgers"; "happy caturday"; "monorail kitteh"; "oh hai"; and "kthxbai" "OK, thanks, goodbye". The typeface Impact is used in almost every picture on all the I Can Has Cheezburger websites though not as much on its subsidiary websites, such as Memebase , and has even gone as far as to be attempted to be replicated in an oil painting representation of the original "Happy cat" the original lolcat to say "I Can Has Cheezburger? This use of the font stems from it being the font of choice in Something Awful image macros for many [12] hence it is the default font in the site's Lolcat Builder. Many people creating lolcats in other software have used the same font to retain the classic I Can Has Cheezburger look.

The Phoenix.


Log In. For the girls that are seeking love with skepticism. View List. Getting stood up on a date is literally one of the rudest things you can EVER do to someone. Bad dates happen to everyone but sometimes, we ourselves are the bad date and there is no shame in admitting our faults.


We forced a bot to scour the web and find the funniest memes for 80 hours straight. These are the best and funniest memes from what that bot found:. As we all know, the primary act that triggers the categorization of an image as a funny meme is a collective, slightly-accelerated exhaling via the nose by the masses who view said "funny meme". And since y'all know what we're talking about, then you'll probably want at least 17 more memes. Or these Funny Memes might also suffice, or these relatable memes that can also probably pass for funny Log In. The Best Funny Memes We forced a bot to scour the web and find the funniest memes for 80 hours straight. After extensive research, our data scientists determined that people want 2 things: The Best Memes. More of such memes, preferably funny ones. We know you want memes and we want to give them to you.

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There's nothing like a payday to put some pep in your step. Running low on space? Retrieved June 13, I mean, it's not literally in your pocketmost people get paid with direct deposits these days. It shows the boxes for the content, but nothing loads within the boxes. Good things come in small packages. Now, you can follow just the ones you want into one convenient feed. Basically, as long as he completes his work and puts in the ne…. Your votes help the funny rise to the top. Log In. November 28, I tried logging in through Facebook, and it would briefly open a page then immediately close.

Log In. This former coffee shop worker has had a confusing week as they switch jobs.

View List. Retrieved May 8, Hopefully they fix it soon, but it took almost three months to work itself out last time this happened, so I am not optimistic. The Phoenix. The app will no longer load images, regardless of the network. Retrieved September 26, Extraordinarily lazy gatos to match that weekend vibe. Learn more about data safety No information available. A Lolcat Collekshun". Now, you can follow just the ones you want into one convenient feed. But these parents aren't just doing this for fu….

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