charlotte flair naked

Charlotte flair naked

Cincinnati Open: Coco Gauff defeats Karolina Muchova in straight sets to clinch women's title, see pictures. Durand Cup Mohun Bagan emerge champions after defeating East Bengal in thrilling final, see pictures.

The former WWE world champion Flair has struggled with her body image and wants to be an inspiration for young girls. Former six-time WWE world champion Flair, who has previously struggled with her body image, explained how she wants to be seen as an athlete as opposed to being a "tall blonde" - adding that her looks have nothing to do with her success. The year-old is one of 16 athletes who has stripped off to promote body positivity, along with ex-Manchester United striker Ibrahimovic and former golfer Norman also getting naked. In character, I am the queen. I am strong. I am confident, sometimes cocky. I am all athlete, and that's important, that my looks have nothing to do with what I do in the WWE.

Charlotte flair naked


Asian Games closing ceremony: PR Sreejesh leads India as flag-bearer after nation's record-medal haul in Hangzhou, see pictures. To view the entire gallery, click here. Celebs TV Films.


The popular photoshoot typically encompasses every corner of professional sports but this is the first year a WWE Superstar made the cut. We're not sure of the selection process, but given her resume, pedigree, and world-class boy, Charlotte Flair was the first of Vince McMahon's employees to pose nude for ESPN. Technically speaking, Ronda Rousey participated in the shoot a few years ago, but that was before she switched out the octagon for the squared circle. In character, I am the queen. I am strong.

Charlotte flair naked


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