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As a result of the constitutional amendment approved by Law No. Within the scope of the amendments made by Law No, cb seçimleri istanbul. However, the rule that a person may only be elected as the President of the Republic for two cb seçimleri istanbul at most as contained in Paragraph 2 of Article has sparked various debates in the public within the context of the question cb seçimleri istanbul whether the presidential elections that had been held during the parliamentary system of government are to be taken into account when implementing this rule. The rule stating that a person may only be elected as the President of the Republic for a maximum of two terms as regulated in Paragraph 2 of Article of the Constitution as amended by Law No.

İstanbul I. İstanbul II. Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi. TURK Parti. Liberal Demokrat Parti. Erol Kaya Y 4.

Cb seçimleri istanbul


Sedat Beken Nuran Deniz 3. Mustafa Demiral


Ali Yerlikaya acting Independent. The June Istanbul mayoral election was held on 23 June The original election had resulted in a narrow 0. The election featured a televised debate between the two main candidates, for the first time in Turkey since Campaigning focused highly on rival accusations of misconduct during and after the initial March election, during which both sides alleged that they had been a victim of the other's antics. The opposition's victory defied opinion polls, which predicted a much narrower victory, and was a record in the history of Istanbul local elections in terms of both popular vote and percentage share. On 6 May , in a 7-to-4 decision, the YSK ruled that the Istanbul mayoral election shall be annulled, and that it shall be repeated on 23 June This decision was based on the objections raised by the AK Party regarding the fact that despite the law, some balloting committee presidents and members were not public officials.

Cb seçimleri istanbul

İstanbul ili 1. İstanbul ili 2. İstanbul ili 3. Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi. Murat Kurum Y 2. Erkan Kandemir Y 3. Hasan Turan Y 4. İsmail Erdem Y 9.

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Selim Tankut Hacer Recep Fatih Sayan Ayla Aysal 7. Hasan Pehlivan Abdullah Sevim 6. Fikri Eren [2]. Filiz Bakir 7. Mehmet Tutal Cengiz Alp Besime Tava Resul Kurt


Murat İstanbullu Faruk Karatay Bilal Pir Mehmet Yazar 4. Filiz Karayaka Ahmet Erdem Aytekin Kurt Arzu Kaya [2]. İbrahim Macunlar [2]. Mehmet Metiner Y Rasim Acar İbrahim Solmaz İhsan Bulut

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