

People are curious to see Nikki Catsouras Dead Body pictures. Catsouras and her parents had lunch together on October 31,at catsouras Ladera Ranch, catsouras, California, House where they all lived.

The Nikki Catsouras photographs controversy concerns the leaked photographs of Nicole "Nikki" Catsouras March 4, — October 31, , who died at the age of 18 in a high speed car crash in Lake Forest, California , after losing control of her father's Porsche Carrera and colliding with a toll booth. Photographs of Catsouras' badly disfigured body were published on the internet, leading her family to take legal action for the distress this caused. On October 31, , Catsouras and her parents ate lunch together at the family home in Ladera Ranch, California. Afterward, her father, Christos Catsouras, left for work while her mother Lesli remained at home. Around 10 minutes later, her mother saw Catsouras reversing out of the driveway in Christos' Porsche Carrera, which she was not permitted to drive.



In short, there is no evidence at this point that the e-mails were sent to communicate on the topic of drunk driving. He supposedly called catsouras before the crash while doing this and was placed on wait. These photographs were forwarded to colleagues and leaked onto catsouras Internet, catsouras.


Lesli and Christos Catsouras, who sued the California Highway Patrol for allegedly leaking photos of the crash that killed their daughter Nikki, say they "feel desperately sorry for the Bryants". Christos and Lesli Catsouras know the pain Vanessa Bryant is going through amid her ongoing lawsuit over photos that were allegedly taken at the helicopter crash that killed her husband Kobe Bryant and daughter Gianna. The Catsourases lost their year-old daughter Nikki on Oct. Nikki's parents told ABC News in that their daughter took the keys to Christos' Porsche Carrera without permission and was traveling MPH when she clipped another car and lost control. Her vehicle then crossed over the median and slammed into a concrete toll booth, where she was instantly killed. Afterward, authorities told them they would not be allowed to identify their daughter's body because of how gruesome her injuries were, Christos and Lesli say. However, just weeks later, images of the wreck surfaced online. Many of them, featuring Nikki's mutilated body, were anonymously sent to the Catsouras family with disturbing messages, the family says. A six-year lawsuit against the California Highway Patrol CHP later ensued, as the Catsourases' legal team fought against the state agency that allegedly leaked the images. Though they reached a settlement in , Christos tells PEOPLE that his family was never able to have the graphic photos removed from the internet, despite hiring lawyers and "trying everything.


The Nikki Catsouras photographs controversy concerns the leaked photographs of Nicole "Nikki" Catsouras March 4, — October 31, , who died at the age of 18 in a high speed car crash in Lake Forest, California , after losing control of her father's Porsche Carrera and colliding with a toll booth. Photographs of Catsouras' badly disfigured body were published on the internet, leading her family to take legal action for the distress this caused. On October 31, , Catsouras and her parents ate lunch together at the family home in Ladera Ranch, California. Afterward, her father, Christos Catsouras, left for work while her mother, Lesli, remained at home. Around 10 minutes later, her mother saw Catsouras reversing out of the driveway in Christos' Porsche Carrera, which she was not permitted to drive. When he was taken off hold, the dispatcher informed him of the accident.

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On October 31, , Catsouras and her parents ate lunch together at the family home in Ladera Ranch, California. Afterward, her father, Christos Catsouras, left for work while her mother Lesli remained at home. Wikimedia Commons. The three-justice panel that reviewed Reich's appeal wrote, "Any editorial comments that Reich may have made with respect to the photographs are not before us. Retrieved February 2, Read Edit View history. As a result, the Catsouras family stopped using the Internet, and they started homeschooling their youngest daughter out of fear that the pictures might tease her. Kobe, alongside his daughter Gianna died in the tragedy. We rely upon the CHP to protect and serve the public. Hidden categories: Use mdy dates from January Articles with short description Short description matches Wikidata. Share to others:. Download as PDF Printable version. Table of Contents Toggle. Catsouras was killed on impact.


In other projects. Retrieved February 2, The Catsouras family sued the California Highway Patrol and the two dispatch supervisors responsible for leaking the photographs in the Superior Court of California for Orange County. Toxicological tests revealed traces of cocaine in Catsouras' body, but no alcohol. Point of Law. Hello, dad. On February 1, , it was reported that the California Court of Appeal for the Fourth District had reversed Judge Perk's grant of summary judgment, and instead ruled that the Catsouras family did have the right to sue the defendants for negligence and intentional infliction of emotional distress. The whole world mourned, and things were far off for the Bryant family and friends. Judge Perk ruled that the two were not under any responsibility for protecting the privacy of the Catsouras family, effectively ending the basis for the case. Retrieved September 6, Initially, a judge ruled that it would be appropriate to move forward with the family's legal case against the CHP for leaking the photographs. The impact killed Catsouras instantly. Contents move to sidebar hide. Retrieved January 31,

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