call of duty simon riley face

Call of duty simon riley face

Just a fan researching stuff and doing art. You can agree or disagree with it as you like. Okay, so first off, age. Ghost is a lieutenant.

The British special forces operative and commanding officer in Task Force is known for his one-of-a-kind skull balaclava. But the face beneath it has always remained a mystery — until now. One Redditor has uncovered the face model beneath the mask, and fans are already all over it. We were left to contend with a view of the back of his head, followed by a shot of his eyes through a balaclava — a throwback to what his mask looked like in the original games. The face model shows Ghost with his face paint still on, but fans were quick to point out that the model was basically a rendering of voice actor Samuel Roukin.

Call of duty simon riley face

Lieutenant Simon "Ghost" Riley is a British special forces operator, and a prominent member of Task Force , known for his iconic skull-patterned balaclava, headset, and dark red sunglasses. Simon Riley had a very traumatic childhood while growing up in Manchester, England because of his heartless father. His father often brought dangerous animals back to their home and taunted him with them, even going so far as to force Simon to kiss a snake. When he and his younger brother Tommy grew older, Tommy would always wear a skull-mask at night to scare Simon. Simon's father would sometimes take him to the Bone Lickers concerts. At one concert, his father made him laugh at the death of a prostitute who had overdosed on drugs. Simon used to be an apprentice butcher at a grocery but joined the military after the September 11 attacks occurred. He eventually was accepted into the Special Air Service. Returning home on leave in January , Simon found his mother and brother had hit rock bottom. His brother, Tommy, was addicted to drugs and had been stealing from their mother to support his habit. Simon chose to not return to the military until he had straightened things out for his family. He worked to help Tommy overcome his drug addiction and, in March , beat his father and threw him out of the house for all the abuse he had inflicted on Riley and his mother. By June , Tommy had been clean for some time and married a woman named Beth. Riley served as the best man at Tommy's wedding. Beth also gave birth to a young boy named Joseph who would become Riley's nephew.

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Simon " Ghost " Riley is a Modern Warfare legend. The masked madman has been an integral part of the series, and ever since he was reimagined in another timeline, we've been hoping he would let us peak beneath the masquerade, waiting for the MW2 Ghost face reveal. Having been a figure of Task Force for generations, Ghost's alias is often speculated on, with many theories diving into who has or hasn't shared a room with the sniper specialist. So, seeing his face would put quite a lot of theories to death, wouldn't it? Well, there is an MW2 Ghost face reveal, kind of, and it stoked the fire even more. Throughout the Modern Warfare 2 campaign, there are many throwaway comments about Ghosts' true identity, with his long-time pal John "Soap" MacTavish even asking him to finally lift away the mask. Well, Ghost does just that sometime later, as the Task Force unites once again to take down a common enemy while all sporting one of Ghosts' masks. The cutscene doesn't quite snap to his face though. All we get is a shot at the back of his head, revealing a white man with mousey-brown hair.

Call of duty simon riley face

The British special forces operative and commanding officer in Task Force is known for his one-of-a-kind skull balaclava. But the face beneath it has always remained a mystery — until now. One Redditor has uncovered the face model beneath the mask, and fans are already all over it. We were left to contend with a view of the back of his head, followed by a shot of his eyes through a balaclava — a throwback to what his mask looked like in the original games. The face model shows Ghost with his face paint still on, but fans were quick to point out that the model was basically a rendering of voice actor Samuel Roukin. For instance, Captain Price is a spitting image of voice actor Barry Sloane, while Thomas Beaudoin is immediately recognizable as Reyes. Find out how to get Black Site and Stronghold keys in Warzone 2. Home Call of Duty.

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He then tells his fellow Ghosts to secure Rorke and the facility while he deals with Templar. Just then, suited UAC agents arrive at the hospital to collect Cipher. An AC tried to defend the team as they sprinted toward their evac point, but was shot down, leaving the team completely vulnerable. However, they fail to catch up to them as the Five Knights drop mines to delay them. Posts Ask me anything! Ghost, along with Roach, Ozone and Scarecrow , with sniper support from Archer and Toad , protected a DSM from Makarov's men while it downloaded sensitive information regarding Makarov's operations. She had set up a vantage point on an adjacent building with a sniper rifle at the ready, waiting for Ghost to appear. Using the jawbone from Vernon's rotted corpse, Riley was able to break through the casket, claw his way to freedom, and somehow make it back across the border to Texas. By June , Tommy had been clean for some time and married a woman named Beth. Credit: Activision Blizzard. He apologized to Sophia for abandoning her in Alaska, and that had he been in her place, he'd be looking for payback as well. Mace is struggling to move his arms due to Templar having struck his nerve clusters, meaning Ghost is on his own against Templar. William Cullen. Ghost wearing his diving outfit from " The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday " and " The Gulag ".

For years, the Task Force titan has remained masked, dancing as an unknown alias within the storyline which has stirred countless theories. Despite the campaign lifting the mask off Ghost's head, we still didn't get to see his face and the mystery continued. However, with theories that he could be Roach or Alex, dataminers have now found that Ghost's actual face is in the files, and they've shared it with the class.

The next member they ambush is Kryptis, who dodges an incoming Ghost who misses with his pistol, and drives towards Templar. The team is then ambushed by Makarov, who releases the gas and a team of mercenaries in Hazmat Suits. Was Yesterday ". As he walks back towards the Osprey, he thinks to himself that Templar was right, and that "There's nothing here but ghosts. Just some additional entertaining resources for everyone who would like to learn some more. Ghost, as seen on Modern Warfare 2' s campaign menu. Disappointed with the recent mission failure, Ghost contemplates of how they gathered next to no intel about their enemies. Templar then inspects Ghost's body, stating that he expected a more equal individual to fight with. Anyway, we made up and then we got along well. Shepherd debriefs Ghost, exclaiming that men died on the island, while the world just watched, and that Ghost could have done more to prevent the disaster. Ghost before being shot by Shepherd. After a short fight, Templar tells Ghost that he joined the French army at 17, ambitious, aggressive, and young, which drove his teammates to see him as a sadistic and insane soldier.

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