busted newspaper illinois

Busted newspaper illinois

On a sunny-cold February day inI drove 70 miles to an Indianapolis hotel to pick up the journalist Robert Novak, whom I would be introducing at rural Wabash College for a public lecture that evening. Snow covered the cornfields between Crawfordsville and Indianapolis, busted newspaper illinois. What was his secret?

But some people I know would have to reach at least before falling afoul of the law, and others have sat in their first cell by sixteen or seventeen: so there must be some other, more specific reason why I find myself charged with a misdemeanor just past the half-century mark of my life. We knocked! I have no record of the occasion was it a year ago, two? I spoke of the ironies of our current situation in which a broad range of political dissent is tolerated from teachers, but in which no similar latitude is granted them in expressing opinions about changing standards in respect to sex and drugs. I invoked, I think, the names of Leo Koch fired out of the University of Illinois and Timothy Leary dropped from the faculty at Harvard, I reminded my ladies and ended by insisting that the primary responsibility of the teacher is to be free, to provide a model of freedom for the young. Needless to say, tea and cakes were served afterward, and one or two members of the Program Committee tried hard to make conversation with me as I gallantly sipped at the former and politely refused the latter.

Busted newspaper illinois


For such a utopian solution, a few arrests on charges of possession and selling, a few not-quite-kosher searches and seizures would be a small enough price to pay, busted newspaper illinois. I began to learn soon enough and in an odd way, when an application I was making for an insurance policy was turned down, though my health was fine and my credit good.


Brian K. Burnett, 29, Bloomington was charged as of April 3, , with unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon, two counts of unlawful possession of cannabis with the intent to deliver , unlawful possession of cannabis for a subsequent offense, unlawful possession of less than 15 grams of alprazolam and unlawful possession of cannabis. Jordan Reiss , 29, of Lexington was charged as of April 2, , with unlawful possession of grams of methamphetamine with intent to deliver; unlawful possession of grams of meth; unlawful possession of less than 5 grams of meth; unlawful use of weapon by a felon; unlawful possession of less than 15 grams of hydrocodone ; and two counts of unlawful possession of less than 15 grams of amphetamines. Bradley J. Carnahan, 39, of McLean was charged as of Feb. Thomas Kelly Benge, 36, of Bloomington was charged as of Feb. Bond remains pending on other charges. Brandon C.

Busted newspaper illinois

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And everyone knew what that meant! I began to learn soon enough and in an odd way, when an application I was making for an insurance policy was turned down, though my health was fine and my credit good. It was very evident to me that this personal integrity is what made him a great journalist. Leslie A. It was clear to me that Novak valued honesty and was equally willing to offer it to anyone who was interested. As a matter of fact, it depressed and baffled me that a score of applicants for the post of faculty adviser had not already stepped forward; though the student leaders of the organization explained to me that there was real cause for fear on the part of reluctant faculty members that sanctions might in fact be taken against them. Though this may have been in the minds of some of the students who approached me a purely strategic reason for their choice, it seemed to me a principled reason for accepting the position. Meanwhile it seems proper and appropriate only to repeat a couple of paragraphs from a letter I wrote to Time after they had published an account of the events which seemed to me to verge on slander, a correction which they shortened and slightly altered:. Needless to say, tea and cakes were served afterward, and one or two members of the Program Committee tried hard to make conversation with me as I gallantly sipped at the former and politely refused the latter. I have no taste for martyrdom; I do not know how to find pleasure in suffering even for the best of causes; and I find it harder and harder to laugh at even the most truly comic aspects of my situation. The Valerie Plame affair notwithstanding, Novak gave the strong impression that he was a man who could be trusted with information. Novak shared his affinity for the University of Illinois, pointing out that he still wore the orange-and-blue necktie of his alma mater. Beyond this legal considerations forbid my going at the moment, though I suppose two items could be added without indiscretion.


But his sense of honesty sometimes led to excess. In this context of abject fear and pitiful hatred, the actual arrest, the charges, the legal maneuvering and courtroom appearances seem of minor importance, however annoying and time-consuming they may be. Certainly I felt this with special urgency as one committed to limiting rather than extending or preserving the possibilities of alienation, hypocrisy, and lawlessness for the young. Norman Mailer. And my own University has stood by me with a sense that not only my personal freedom but the very atmosphere of freedom on which learning depends is imperiled. The context of your article suggested that university students may have been involved in the events; this is untrue. The New York Review of Books: recent articles and content from nybooks. Feeling vilified by the left and deceived by his sources in the Bush administration, an indignant Novak later said he would do it all over again, as he was convinced that his column had caused Plame no harm. The ironies are archetypal to the point of obviousness one of my sons claims we were thirteen at table, but this I refuse to admit to myself , embarrassingly so. He was talking on his cell phone when I found him waiting for me in the hotel lobby eight years ago. And everyone knew what that meant!

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