Brooke davis attacked one tree hill

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Xavier "X" Daniels was a criminal who used to live in Tree Hill. He was responsible for the attack on Brooke Davis and for the murder of Quentin Fields. After taking Brooke's foster daughter, Sam Walker , and his brother, Jack Daniels , hostage, he was finally brought to justice by Brooke. Years later, he gets released and begins to harass Brooke. After some time, he attacks her a second time, but Brooke once again conquers him.

Brooke davis attacked one tree hill

But soon the revolving door turned and the dream was revealed. Lucas walked through the doors of his house and in to the arms of his wife, Peyton. The two chatted by the sink and after a naughty comment he had to sit down. That is when we were brought back to reality, sort of. As he walked up and down the sidewalk, he ran in to man doing a card trick. The man changed from Haley to Nathan to all three of the girls. He finally picks a card and it is the queen of hearts. The man asks him how he knew that one was it. He is talking to the same man from the dream, and that man is telling him all about love and finding the right one. With a look of panic and excitement, he makes a phone call. You wanna get married tonight?

Pure Evil Terms. Sam eventually finds out from Jack that it was Xavier who attacked Brooke because of what she said. Lucas walked through the doors of his house and in to the arms of his wife, Peyton.


Xavier "X" Daniels was a criminal who used to live in Tree Hill. He was responsible for the attack on Brooke Davis and for the murder of Quentin Fields. After taking Brooke's foster daughter, Sam Walker , and his brother, Jack Daniels , hostage, he was finally brought to justice by Brooke. Years later, he gets released and begins to harass Brooke. After some time, he attacks her a second time, but Brooke once again conquers him. After being left by their parents, Xavier resorted to a life alone with his brother, Jack Daniels. Together they began a struggle through life with not many luxuries. Xavier was often violent towards Jack , leading him to stay out of the house as often as he could, and Xavier grew used to being alone. Xavier listens to Sam calling her names and saying that someone has to put her in her place.

Brooke davis attacked one tree hill

While One Tree Hill featured common teen drama storylines , from love triangles to divorced parents, the show had some dark moments, shifting to tackle deeper issues that resonated with the fans watching, who may have had some experience with some of the topics the show delved into. Besides the romantic scenes that fans loved watching, there were also some moments that explored more important subjects than basketball games, school dances and picking out the perfect outfit. In the fourth season, Peyton Hilarie Burton thought that she had found her brother Ian Matt Barr , and then realized that he was a liar who was stalking her.

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He shoots the gun, killing Quentin and leaving a string of grief around the town of Tree Hill. As he does, Xavier raises his gun and fires, killing Quentin. Sam eventually finds out from Jack that it was Xavier who attacked Brooke because of what she said. He goes into the bedroom and puts Sam in a cupboard. After spending the night at Xavier's, Sam wakes up to find him staring over him. After some time, he attacks her a second time, but Brooke once again conquers him. Or have we? One Tree Hill Wiki Explore. As they talk, Xavier compliments Brooke and the uncomfortable atmosphere and unusual comment, makes Brooke more curious. Just like during all last season, Brooke is still battling her mother. She then calls the police and Xavier is locked up for good. She also decides not to report the crime to the police due to paparazzi interference and not wanting to involve anyone else. Sam tells Xavier how good she was to her for putting her in the nice, but Xavier takes it as she is saying that Brooke kept her from people like him and Jack.


Xavier laughs that they might be having sex and that he does not follow what Jack does. He goes into the bedroom and puts Sam in a cupboard. While Peyton and Lucas are getting ready for their upcoming nuptials, Lucas realizes that he does not have a ring for his bride-to-be. As Jack grew up, Xavier was used to Jack's constant coming and going from their house. Apparently the affair has been going on for a while and the two plan to keep it a secret. Zombiehood68 AkaStve. Villains Wiki. Brooke tells him that she is not the same girl he met in the store and that he ruined her life. She finds out where he lives and races to his house. As she goes to leave, Xavier asks if she feels good to take in a child like him as Brooke says that he does not know her. They try to climb out of the window and Jack gets out, however Xavier returns to find Sam climbing out the window.

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