brittany higgins bruce lehrmann

Brittany higgins bruce lehrmann

Brittany Higgins says she was raped. Lehrmann denies it. After weeks of evidence the judge must decide who he believes. What happened in the 40 minutes that followed brittany higgins bruce lehrmann at the heart of a weeks-long, high-profile defamation trial.

Brittany Higgins told Bruce Lehrmann to stop 'on a loop' during alleged rape, court hears. Share this with family and friends. Missing persons. Aviation accidents and incidents. Discrimination Laws.

Brittany higgins bruce lehrmann

Submissions from Bruce Lehrmann's lawyers say Brittany Higgins's evidence inconsistent with Commonwealth deed version of events. But Network Ten's lawyers, who are defending from a defamation case brought by Mr Lehrmann, say the deed of settlement's rape allegation is "entirely consistent with all other accounts that Ms Higgins has given". He was not named in the segment but claimed he was identifiable from the interview, and had therefore been defamed. Mr Lehrmann's trial over the alleged rape was abandoned due to juror misconduct, and there have been no findings against him. In updated final submissions to the Federal Court, made public on Friday, Mr Lehrmann's legal team said Ms Higgins had a "preparedness to tell lies", both to the federal government to receive the settlement and to the ACT courts in Mr Lehrmann's now-dropped prosecution. Mr Lehrmann's lawyers argued Ms Higgins had an "obsession with securing a vindication through the courts" of her allegation Mr Lehrmann raped her. The submissions from Mr Lehrmann's lawyers pointed to inconsistencies between representations from Ms Higgins in her signed deed from the settlement and other evidence given during the proceedings. Mr Lehrmann's legal team alleged these inconsistencies included whether Ms Higgins had agreed to take a taxi with Mr Lehrmann, whether Mr Lehrmann had led her to Minister Linda Reynolds's office, whether Ms Higgins and Mr Lehrmann spoke the day after the alleged rape, and whether Ms Higgins had disclosed the alleged rape to the pair's then-chief of staff Fiona Brown. The submissions suggested the court "reject Ms Higgins's evidence in its entirety" unless it was corroborated by independent evidence or concurrent documents. But updated submissions from Network Ten's legal team said any inconsistencies in Ms Higgins's evidence were "not matters bearing on the central fact that court must decide". Ten's lawyers also submitted that a suggestion by Mr Lehrmann's legal team that false evidence he gave was all related to "relatively peripheral issues" should be rejected. Ten's lawyers also submitted that Mr Lehrmann's conduct after March 26, , was "indicative of someone who feared that Ms Higgins had disclosed the sexual assault". Ten's submissions also pointed to a 'show cause' letter to Ms Reynolds about the night of the alleged rape, which Mr Lehrmann described as "one of the most important letters that he needed to respond to in his entire professional life".

Listen to our podcasts. He joins legal affairs editor Tim Clarke, to walk him through the first week of this explosive trial.

A date for the verdict to be handed down has now been set. She made the claim in an interview with news. Lehrmann maintains his innocence, and at his criminal trial in pleaded not guilty to one charge of sexual intercourse without consent, denying that any sexual activity had occurred. Lehrmann then pursued Ten and Wilkinson in the courts, resulting in a five-week defamation trial which ran until just before Christmas. Justice Michael Lee is set to give his verdict in the defamation case on 4 April. Lehrmann, Higgins and two other staffers kick on to another venue, the nightclub 88mph. Lehrmann and Higgins share an Uber to Parliament House, arriving about 1.

A date for the verdict to be handed down has now been set. She made the claim in an interview with news. Lehrmann maintains his innocence, and at his criminal trial in pleaded not guilty to one charge of sexual intercourse without consent, denying that any sexual activity had occurred. Lehrmann then pursued Ten and Wilkinson in the courts, resulting in a five-week defamation trial which ran until just before Christmas. Justice Michael Lee is set to give his verdict in the defamation case on 4 April. Lehrmann, Higgins and two other staffers kick on to another venue, the nightclub 88mph. Lehrmann and Higgins share an Uber to Parliament House, arriving about 1.

Brittany higgins bruce lehrmann

Bruce Lehrmann is suing Network Ten and Lisa Wilkinson for defamation over an interview with Higgins broadcast on The Project and online which did not name him but alleged she had been raped by a Liberal staffer in Lehrmann has denied raping Higgins and pleaded not guilty to a charge of sexual intercourse without consent. Read more about what was said this morning here , and follow our coverage again tomorrow when the case is back in court. Justice Michael Lee has dismissed an application by News Corp and the ABC for confidentiality orders over how much each media organisation paid Bruce Lehrmann to settle his defamation claim.

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And the bombshells have kept on coming in the latest instalment - a defamation trial brought by Bruce Lehrmann in Sydney's Federal court this week. Justice Michael Lee is set to give his verdict in the defamation case on 4 April. Weeks before the alleged rape, Lehrmann asked if a "good looking" Higgins could be invited out to drinks, the court heard earlier. Mr Lehrmann's lawyers argued Ms Higgins had an "obsession with securing a vindication through the courts" of her allegation Mr Lehrmann raped her. Hamer claimed they had pressured Higgins into staying and the junior staffer would have thought she had lost her opportunity for a job in Senator Reynolds' office because she opted to leave. Lehrmann then pursued Ten and Wilkinson in the courts, resulting in a five-week defamation trial which ran until just before Christmas. Interviews and feature reports from SBS News. Then, about 40 minutes later, he said he left without checking on her. Listen to our podcasts. Lee retires to consider more than 15, pages of transcript and 1, separate exhibits, including hours of CCTV footage as well as audio and video recordings.

And that was never more true than this week in the Federal Court, when former Liberal staffer Bruce Lehrmann's defamation case was forced to pause for a few minutes as Brittany Higgins choked on a sob in the witness box. Network Ten's barrister Matt Collins KC rose to say quietly he was concerned for her welfare, and the court took a break from a day of intense questioning.

What happened in the 40 minutes that followed is at the heart of a weeks-long, high-profile defamation trial. Ten and Wilkinson rely on the defences of truth and qualified privilege. Network Ten's legal team, lead by Matthew Collins KC pictured , said in submissions Mr Lehrmann repeatedly gave untruthful evidence about central matters of the case. He joins legal affairs editor Tim Clarke, to walk him through the first week of this explosive trial. Supplied: Victorian Bar. Share Copy link Facebook X formerly Twitter. Discrimination Laws. Wotton, who is now deputy state director of the WA Liberal Party, told the court Hamer had "over-reacted" towards both him and Lehrmann during the argument. Brittany Higgins says she was raped. Mr Lehrmann's trial over the alleged rape was abandoned due to juror misconduct, and there have been no findings against him.

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