boy x boy wattpad

Boy x boy wattpad

English version Alexis Rodrigues - a simple and optimistic Filipino-Spanish boy who has no choice, but to embark for Australia to finish his studies as written in his father's will. He's already been struggling in his life

Wynter Nox is just trying to get through high school without too much drama. With his best friends River, Tamir and Corrie, the quartet do their best to get through whatever it is senior year will throw at them-- clubs tryouts, the SAT, and the football team being assholes. But there's one thing that might mess up eve Sam was your average beta. He had good friends, good grades, and great looks. To top it off, he had the worlds hottest demon, Damien Rush, pounding him up the asshole every Saturday night. Things were finally starting to look up for Sam after the past he's tried so hard to forget.

Boy x boy wattpad

Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. The Omega is a Novelist by Ebonsolaris K Book One of My Omegaverse so sue me for the bad collection name x Yori is an unwanted child of an Elite Alpha family, because he was born an Omega. Although he came Isn't It Obvious? Tsukkiyama by MariachiMermaid Tsukishima and Yamaguchi find that everyone on the team thinks they're just best friends. Clearly, the best option is to push the PDA until someone figures them out. The King's heart belonged to one man, Hoseok. But after a "accident", his heart found another. Dallas hates his brother's best friend, Grayson Scott. He's annoying, rude and always makes fun of him for no reason.

What happens when Cole actually catches the oh so supposedly "straight" alpha dog of Ridgeway Highs eye? This is definitely AU.

The most powerful gang in the city of Chicago ever since Al Capone and that's exactly the way Vincent sees it. The next generation of Mussolini's rule the school instead of the city like their fathers and everyone fears them up until Their mutual hatred for one another. Their dislike for the fact that their parents are friends. Their shared wish that they weren't stuck together for the summer. Cue a summer filled with friends, fi This story will be edited heavily in the near future.

Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. Pure Poison by Writer Four boys start their college journey at Washington University. Neo knew it would be a challenge, but he thought college would be the problem, not three alphas who happe

Boy x boy wattpad

Is it fun or is it danger? We can have no clue at all. We can dream, but dreams will lead us to high expectations and hurt from it. Love isn't as good as it sounds. It can make you lose yourself and destroy anything that comes along with it. Love is pa Love was almost impossible for Ren. Ren Radds was a junior when he fell into a little crush on Danny Embers.

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On his own. The Nerd's a vampire? But something about Prince Charles made him feel a little stupid -- almost stupid enough to believe in love at first sight. Try Premium. Patrick hates queers. Revenge [ Manxman ] Damon Matthews has it all. He has set his mind that he will never fall in lo I'm not a nerd. The only way for him to move on, is of course a rebound. There was only one seat left on the bus.

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Or will he keep it? Add in some best friends, bullies, heartache and love, and you'll have both of their lives. You do not want to see me. The most powerful gang in the city of Chicago ever since Al Capone and that's exactly the way Vincent sees it. What Eric didn't know, was that he would fall in love with his roommate, Damian Roland. I Am Bailey Bennett. His fancy blue hair is fading and his roots are horrendous, but he wouldn't know that, would he? Demon Boy? Book 1 It was just an accident. A werewolf who doesn't want to be one.

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