borg on star trek

Borg on star trek

The Borg are a civilization of cy borg s hence the name "Borg" which seek to conquer or "perfect" all life, siezing other lifeforms, technology, vessels, planets, and even entire star systems by force, enslaving them. Borg on star trek goal is to raise the quality of life for all species, allowing them to achieve the Borg's vision of the perfect all-knowing, indomitable race.

The Borg are an alien group that appear as recurring antagonists in the Star Trek fictional universe. The Borg are cybernetic organisms cyborgs linked in a hive mind called "The Collective". The Borg co-opt the technology and knowledge of other alien species to the Collective through the process of " assimilation ": forcibly transforming individual beings into "drones" by injecting nanoprobes into their bodies and surgically augmenting them with cybernetic components. The Borg's ultimate goal is "achieving perfection". Aside from being recurring antagonists in the Next Generation television series, they are depicted as the main threat in the film Star Trek: First Contact. In addition, they played major roles in the Voyager and Picard series. The Borg have become a symbol in popular culture for any juggernaut against which "resistance is futile", a common phrase uttered by the Borg.

Borg on star trek

Published Jul 27, I am the Borg. The central locus of the Borg Collective is the amoral Borg Queen. Through her, like the queen of an insect colony, the Hive mind is granted order and common direction. Throughout the history of the Borg Collective, there have been a number of Queens. Only one Queen exists at any given time; when she is destroyed, a new Queen takes her place. In Star Trek: Voyager, it's revealed that the Borg Queen isn't a singular entity, but the name given to any that serves as its host, possessing all previous Queen's collective consciousness. The Borg , a fusion of organic and synthetic matter, and their relentless pursuit of perfection brought fear to all quadrants of the galaxy. Residing primarily at Unimatrix One in the Delta Quadrant , the Borg Queen is the only one able to think independently from the Collective; possessing a unique personality and sense of individuality — traits not seen within the Borg. In her lair, the Borg Queen remains disembodied with just her head and spinal column — the epitome of perfection — with no remnants of her humanoid form. When she leaves her home base for assimilation efforts, she will reassemble herself into a predominantly artificial body. Captain Jean-Luc Picard still endures residual trauma decades later following his assimilation into the Borg.

Hurley claimed he would "go ballistic" arguing Roddenberry's ideas back at him, borg on star trek. The Borg co-opt the technology and knowledge of other alien species to the Collective through the process of " assimilation ": forcibly transforming individual beings into "drones" by injecting nanoprobes into their bodies and surgically augmenting them with cybernetic components. The primary star complex borg on star trek the Borg collective, receiving the thought transmissions from all of the central plexus' and vinculums in the collective for processing by the Borg Queen.

Ever since Q John de Lancie hurled the Enterprise into Borg space, these alien cybernetic terrors have plagued Starfleet crews. Currently a member of the peacekeeping force Fenris Rangers, Seven was introduced in the fourth season premiere of Star Trek: Voyager. Captain Janeway Kate Mulgrew and her crew had settled on an alliance with the Borg Collective to eradicate an even greater threat to the Delta Quadrant, called Species To continue negotiations with them, Captain Janeway had asked the Collective to create a representative, not unlike the time the Borg had transformed Picard into Locutus of Borg. Since she was assimilated at a young age, the Borg were the only family and way of life that Seven knew.

Here, they encountered Borg Cubes, giant cube-shaped ships. A boarding party led by Commander William Riker was able to enter the Cube on foot, but the horrors they saw forced them to retreat. The situation became dire, and the Enterprise was only saved when Picard begged Q for mercy, who agreed and returned the ship to its home quadrant. But the Borg, having now encountered a Federation vessel, set their sights on Earth. During the invasion, Picard was abducted by Borg drones and assimilated into the Borg Collective. Picard would physically recover, but go on to have lifelong PTSD from the experience. For a time after this, the Borg made no reappearance in the Alpha Quadrant until some years later the Enterprise again encountered the Collective, discovering a crashed Borg ship surrounded by dead drones with only one survivor. Picard ordered that the drone be brought aboard the Enterprise, and that research begin into a way to use the drone as a living weapon so that he could be returned to the Borg fleet with a virus that would destroy them all. Several of the Enterprise crew ordered to work on the mission began to doubt the ethics of their assignment, especially when the drone began to exhibit signs of sentience and independence after being severed from the Collective.

Borg on star trek

James Osborne. Published: Oct 13, What are the Borg in Star Trek, and what do we know about their mysterious origins and timeline?


Hurley thought of insects as an unrelenting natural force, and believed that would make a good basis for an alien species to menace the crew all season. Unlike Hugh, who was one of the leaders of the Borg Artifact Research Institute, Seven spent her time gallivanting across the galaxy. In the fifth season, we see the Borg in " Drone ", where an advanced Borg drone is created when Seven of Nine's nanoprobes are fused with the Doctor 's mobile emitter in a transporter accident. VOY : " Dark Frontier " Through the use of their cybernetic implants, the Borg interacted by sharing one another's thoughts in a hive mind. Consists of over 10, languages. The Borg entered the home system of the El-Aurians at some point in their mutual history, swarming through it, scattering its native inhabitants and leaving little to nothing of the El-Aurians in their wake. All Borg are pre-instructed to assimilate any information pertaining to Particle at any cost. You will be assimilated. When Picard faced the Borg Queen in the Picard series finale , he wasn't there to talk. The Borg symbol may possibly define an amalgam of living tissue with computer circuits They challenge the imagination. They took off in the USS Raven with their young daughter and gathered a great deal of research before their luck ran out and all three Hansens were assimilated. During this battle, the Borg were infected with a neurolytic pathogen , which was carried by an alternate future version of Admiral Janeway and designed to disrupt the hive mind, to 'bring chaos to order'. Sign Up For Free to View. At the end of the series, the Borg start to investigate time travel in order to find a way to assimilate the Doctor.

Ever since their debut in Star Trek , the fearsome Borg, and their origins, have been one of the biggest mysteries of the franchise.

In late , a Borg cube invaded Federation space and assimilated Jean-Luc Picard , whose tactical information contributed, along with the Borg's own vastly superior power, to Starfleet 's disastrously one-sided engagement with the cube, the Battle of Wolf They destroy the populations of numerous Federation worlds. Ideology: Xenophobic, Galactic Conquest Flagship: Borg Diamond Enemies: The Borg are enemy to all races, Humans in particular Allies: None The Borg are a civilization of cy borg s hence the name "Borg" which seek to conquer or "perfect" all life, siezing other lifeforms, technology, vessels, planets, and even entire star systems by force, enslaving them. April 13, Annika Hansen is assimilated. Following those events and assimilation of additional species the Borg were able to design a harmonic resonance chamber which could theoretically stabilize particle We are the Borg. The gestalt group mind is perverted to become the collective, driven by Sedin's desperate hunger and need to add the strength, technology and life-force of others to her own. Sinographies: writing China. The security and strength of a unified will. Owing to the Collective's disregard for aesthetic considerations, the architecture of Borg ships took the form of basic shapes such as cubes and spheres and were made from a tritanium alloy. In the sixth-season episode " Collective ", the crew of Voyager encounter a damaged cube that is holding Tom Paris, Neelix, Harry Kim and Chakotay hostage. Starfleet in the 24th Century would've continued to evolve from Captain Kirk's era. Back to top. Yet the talented storyteller just didn't know what to do with no crime, conflict or any of the other storytelling staples he was used to from procedurals like Miami Vice and The Equalizer.

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