borderlands 3 tropes

Borderlands 3 tropes

Spoilers Off for games prior to Borderlands 3 as well as for Spoiler characters that are marked as such. Proceed with caution. You Have Been Warned.

This page contains unmarked spoilers for the entire Borderlands franchise built up thus far. Read at your own risk. Ain't nothing too fast. Ain't nothing too strong. Ain't nothing too dangerous to get what I want While Flipping the Bird We've got another proposal for them.

Borderlands 3 tropes


Rags to Riches : Audio logs reveal that Handsome Jack only kept him around as a jester, mocking his height, face, and voice, ordering him to dance and tell jokes, and essentially treating him like borderlands 3 tropes crap; Pretty Boy put up with the humiliation because it came with a modicum of luxury that, and Jack would obviously have him killed if he didn't perform. Mad Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot, borderlands 3 tropes. They have mannish faces with huge upper bodies and pink hair.


Welcome to Pandora. Many people tell it. The legend of the Vault. My father would always go on about the Vault; even with his dying breath. Advanced alien technology. Infinite wealth.

Borderlands 3 tropes

This page contains unmarked spoilers for the entire Borderlands franchise built up thus far. Read at your own risk. Ain't nothing too fast. Ain't nothing too strong. Ain't nothing too dangerous to get what I want

Lemur pronunciation

He shows an incredible understanding of the supernatural. Justified , as he is the Anthropomorphic Personification of the worst things to ever happen to Krieg. Chugga-chugga, chugga-chugga, choo choo! Attack Its Weak Point : The glowing spikes atop of its shell. Boomerang Bigot : Doesn't like to hang around with humans, preferring the company of robots. Been There, Shaped History : He's been involved with various important figures of the setting during his adventures. Pretty Boy plans to do exactly that once he gets his hands on Timothy's Winning Hand, starting by purging the Jackpot itself of all its inhabitants. Darker and Edgier : The Bounty of Blood DLC is a Western tale of vengeance played as straight as possible with relatively little of the wackiness typical of the series Aside from the side missions. Left the Background Music On : A side mission in the Fantastic Fustercluck confirms that the ominous and oppressive music in the Benediction of Pain level is actually being played deliberately by the Warden of the facility in order to demoralise the prisoners. Unreliable Narrator : How other people in-universe allegedly view him hence his nickname "The Liar" , because he claims to know things he couldn't have known, though from what we see everything he says is accurate. Car Fu : And it's the car. The subversion comes in that she is only dismissive of Claptrap, and is actually more thankful to the Vault Hunter since they did all of the hard work, regardless of what Claptrap claims. Southern-Fried Genius : While their accents would seem to mark them as typical country folk, they're actually quite knowledgeable in various forms of technology and physics.

Spoilers Off for games prior to Borderlands 3 as well as for spoiler characters that are marked as such. Proceed with caution. You Have Been Warned.

Foreshadowing : Tannis having inherited Angel's powers is hinted at several times. An Arm and a Leg : Enemies can have one or more limbs blown off when they die. Video Game Caring Potential : Helping out these two is a series of side quests, not essential to the main plot. Enjoy your Stay Wutai : Athenas has a strong East Asian influence with its architecture. He's first heard screaming the word "Hate" atop of his lungs, and Sane Krieg feels a burning amount of rage just by being near him. The last bit is a pretty normal Borderlands reaction, though, and he claims he would have been happy to simply take the bottles back had the wine still been in them. Both are very kind, eccentric men who have been stuck on the casino for years. Moze: See? Anti-Frustration Features : Oh so many quality-of-life features are implemented here, compared to the previous games, to the point of having its own page.

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