bob cut for baby girl

Bob cut for baby girl

Bang-trimming tips included at the end of the post! I start with a wet head of hair, because that makes things way simpler for me, especially if the kid in question has wavy hair.

Need a toddler fix for the day? And in the photos, you can never hear her cry. We just love this girl. I miss the monthly updates I did the first year of her life so I had to recap this snippet in time. And of course she wants to be like them, and gets personally offended when I tell her no.

Bob cut for baby girl

Last week I watched my baby transform into a little girl before my eyes as she got her very first haircut. I was the emotional mom snapping pictures and grabbing a few locks of hair to bring home as a keepsake maybe this is weird, but my mom still has mine, so the tradition continues. Let me begin by saying that my kids are complete and total opposites. Not only are they boy and girl, but their personalities could not be more different and I love and appreciate each one for who they are and the different characteristics they add to our family. And when it did happen, he was on my lap and many many tears were shed. He hated it but he looked extremely handsome once it was over. I plan on growing out her locks, but after one too many mullet comments from my sister I decided she needed a trim. Of course I was emotional about her sweet baby hair being cut, but I knew I had to bite the bullet at some point. I did however, bring my camera in tow just in case I got the chance to be psycho mom. That alone made me tear up, haha! But I walked around snapping pictures, enjoying the process almost as much as she was. The end result was an adorable baby bob that I cannot get enough of. Charlotte has a mullet too! She looks so adorable and chic! She looks like such a little lady now!

What a beautiful baby you have!! We started giving my two boys, now teens, their haircuts when they were quite young. What a difference a year makes.


Little girls and their shiny, healthy hairs make them look like the cutest angels. But styling long hair of young girls can be tedious and messy, especially when those hairs get all tangled up. Brushing out those tangles every day before school can be a painful hassle for your girl as well as yourself. So, keeping the hair short is a great option to avoid these problems. And what better hairstyle than a bob can we go for if we are talking about short hair? Bob hairstyles for little girls also have multiple variations. Here, we have handpicked only 20 of them with cute pictures as samples. Source : instagram. The round bobs are layered and tapered towards the ends to remove weight and give a fuller look to the head.

Bob cut for baby girl

Bob haircuts have been a classic since, well, little girls have been getting haircuts. It is as elegant, stylish and convenient nowadays than it was a century ago. Keep it long or cut it short, whether it includes bang or no bangs, it is one of the few hairstyles that work for every child, no matter their hair texture. Sweet little girl bobs can become incredibly edgy with the addition of layers, angles, and funky asymmetrical touches. It is low maintenance and convenient hairstyle that will grow with your daughter.

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May you and your family have a Merry Christmas! Clara is beautiful. My hair! Shop Instagram. But I walked around snapping pictures, enjoying the process almost as much as she was. Thanks for the update, adorable pics! Oh gosh, thanks for sharing the experience! Wow, what a neat timeline of pictures. And Clara hangs out on the trampoline with them like a cowboy on a wild bronco, bouncing and flopping around, and loving it. She is so cute! You can buy them online. Carrie Miller says:. We all love it! WE call Norah Claire claire bear too. I sort of miss the whispies hanging around her ears and neck.

Little girl bob haircuts always look beautiful, cool and classic. Mostly, little girls have short to medium length hair and choosing a bob gives them everything they lust for while keeping things within their limits. Your little girl will love you for that.

Oh gosh, thanks for sharing the experience! Both cuts came out so good we doubt we will ever go back to a barber or salon again. I think she is just the right 3rd child, a mix of both older kids…I see both your older kids in her face. Why do they have to grow sooo fast?!? Slow down! And at this age baby girls turn into little girls and baby boys turn into little boys. Did you love it in your house? I was threatening to cut my husband's hair, but he got in last week, too. And of course she wants to be like them, and gets personally offended when I tell her no. Not only are they boy and girl, but their personalities could not be more different and I love and appreciate each one for who they are and the different characteristics they add to our family. She is so cute! I just love your website and get to it as much as I can. What a beautiful baby you have!! I love her new little hair cut, so grown up!

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