Bill paxton wiki

American actor and filmmaker — BnF authorities. Virtual International Authority File.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Bill Paxton Actor Producer Writer. Play trailer The Circle Bill moved to Los Angeles, California at age eighteen, where he found work in the film industry as a set dresser for Roger Corman 's New World Pictures.

Bill paxton wiki

Alan Ruck and Philip Seymour Hoffman also co-starred. He is the father of actor John Paxton. Paxton was born on May 17, in Fort Worth, Texas. He was raised as a Roman Catholic. Paxton was in the crowd waving when President John F. Kennedy emerged from the Hotel Texas in Fort Worth, on the morning of his assassination, November 22, There are pictures at the Sixth Floor Museum in Dallas where 8-year-old Paxton can be seen lifted above the crowd. On February 14, , Paxton underwent open-heart surgery at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles , California to repair a damaged aortic heart valve and correct an aortic aneurysm. A day later, he underwent an emergency second surgery to repair a damaged coronary artery. His condition deteriorated over the following 10 days, and he died from a post-surgical stroke on February 25 at the age of Contents move to sidebar hide. Page Talk. Read Change Change source View history.

In addition to this, he was nominated for four Golden Globes and an Emmy.

William " Bill " Paxton May 17, — February 25, was an American actor, director, producer, screenwriter, editor, production designer, production manager, set decorator and singer who played Private Hudson in the film Aliens and Jerry in the film Predator 2. He later lent his likeness to the Hudson character in the video game Aliens: Colonial Marines , although he did not provide the character's voice in this appearance. He was the father of Alien: Alone actor James Paxton. Aside from his work in film, Paxton had an extensive career in television. In addition to this, he was nominated for four Golden Globes and an Emmy.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. William Paxton. Wild Bill Knuckles. Mini Bio.

Bill paxton wiki

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Bill Paxton Actor Producer Writer. Play trailer The Circle

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The Vagrant. Martini Ranch: Reach 6. Sign in to edit. National Library of Lithuania ID. Emmys person ID. Please enable browser cookies to use this feature. The Mercury News. Archived from the original on October 12, Archived from the original on September 10, Paxton is distantly related to actress Sara Paxton and was the great-nephew of Mary Paxton Keeley , a prominent journalist and close friend of Bess Truman.

He was Paxton was never nominated but appeared in several Oscar-winning movies and was beloved and respected throughout Hollywood and beyond. He was more alive than the others.

Add to list. GeneaStar person ID. Swedish Film Database person ID. Known for:. His condition deteriorated over the following 10 days, and he died from a post-surgical stroke on February 25 at the age of Categories : Aliens film actors Predator 2 actors Actors who have played multiple roles Award winning cast and crew Deceased cast and crew. Retrieved December 5, BnF authorities. Bill Paxton. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Bill Paxton. Best Actor — Miniseries or Television Film. I don't have a middle name! Retrieved March 2,

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