best supports with draven

Best supports with draven

Draven is one of the strongest ADCs in the game. He is a super aggressive, super carry that exploits early weaknesses to cash out and get ahead, best supports with draven. Draven players are known as some of the most talented players in bot lane with their hyper-aggressive playstyle that wins lane, and wins game.

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Best supports with draven

Find out the top support champions that synergize well with the Glorious Draven. Discover support champ selections to help you cash in stacks and snowball with Draven. Draven is a powerful marksman who relies on his spinning axes to deal massive damage to his enemies. He is also very snowbally, meaning he can easily take over the game if he gets ahead. However, Draven has weaknesses, such as his lack of mobility, self-esteem, and crowd control. Therefore, he needs support to complement his strengths and cover his flaws. The best support for Draven is those who can help him be more aggressive in the lane or protect him from enemy threats. Some examples of these supports are:. Thresh is one of the most popular and versatile supports in League of Legends. He can provide Draven with much crowd control, engagement, disengagement, and mobility with his abilities. Thresh can also reactivate his Q to dash to the hooked enemy. The lantern grants vision and shields any ally who is near it. Thresh can also activate his E to sweep his chain in a direction, knocking back and slowing enemies hit by it. This ability is very beneficial for Draven, as it can help him peel enemies off him or disrupt their movement and make them easier to hit with his spinning axes.

Zoe Mid.

He works excellent if his support can suppress the movement speed of enemy champions, even just for 3 seconds. With that in mind, let us take a look at five great supports that you can play with Draven. Draven needs his enemies to be stunned or suppressed as he does not have a tremendous kiting ability to chase enemies. He only has his blood rush to help him sidestep or chase enemies. Thresh can give Draven both CC support and mobility thanks to his lantern.

Struggling in your lane? That's where LaneLectures comes in! In the chess game of League of Legends, Draven mains seek the ultimate checkmate: a support that not only complements their aggressive playstyle but elevates it. Fear not, for we have meticulously compiled a list of the top 10 supports that harmonize with Draven, ready to turn the tide of battle in your favor. A closer look at her skills reveals that her Eye of the Storm E provides a shield to Draven and increases his attack damage, enhancing his already formidable damage dealing.

Best supports with draven

Draven is one of the strongest ADCs in the game. He is a super aggressive, super carry that exploits early weaknesses to cash out and get ahead. Draven players are known as some of the most talented players in bot lane with their hyper-aggressive playstyle that wins lane, and wins game. Before you learn how to beat Draven, you need to know what his win conditions are. That brings us to our first point. He wants to play aggressive , get kills and snowball. As he is early game dominant, he will be looking for any and every opportunity to play aggressive and harass you with basic attacks. He needs to get kills early on to fully utilize his kit.

Chase locations

Taliyah Mid. Once he hooks anything, he dashes towards the position of the tip of the anchor. Nilah AD Carry. The reason for this is his Q gives him tons of early kill pressure. Draven AD Carry. Ashe AD Carry. Therefore, he needs support to complement his strengths and cover his flaws. Anivia Mid. These are some of the best supports for Draven in League of Legends. During this phase, Nautilus can play hyper aggressively for Draven. Every time they see an opening, they can walk up to poke their enemies in the bot lane. You can do this by, of course, playing safer, coordinating with your Jungler or getting assistance from multiple players like the mid and top. Evelynn Jungler.

Learn more about Draven's abilities, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community!

We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Draven does have self peel with his E, so you should try to bait it out first before engaging. This is because Leona can stun them and Draven, thanks to his bonus damage from his first ability, easily gets the first kill of the game. Top 7 Best Supports for Ashe in Season In-depth Build Stats. Warwick Jungler. Wukong Top. Talk to our team on:. Updated on Oct 16, Draven is weak alone, but Leona gives him the frontline and initiation he desperately needs for success.

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