best conjuration spells 5e

Best conjuration spells 5e

Looking for the best DND 5e conjuration spells for wizards? The splash in the name is a hint at the usefulness of this spell, especially at lower levels. Another low-level mage spell that can be indispensable.

Casting classes, for example, will employ some very useful spells along the journey. While some are focused on destruction or on healing, plenty of other schools of magic exist as well. Certain Conjuration spells allow players to transport themselves, objects, and creatures from one location to another. Other spells available in this particular school of magic can summon creatures and objects to aid the party in tricky encounters. More advanced conjuration magic can even create effects out of thin air.

Best conjuration spells 5e

They can learn and cast more spells than almost any other class in the game, with most of their features making them even more well-rounded as casters. However, their Player's Handbook subclasses each specialize in one area of magic, such as the School of Conjuration. This might be from thin air, other realms of existence, or even conjuring themselves to a different position. The School of Conjuration wizard combines utility with a unique combat role. Outside combat, they create useful objects or teleport their allies to help them overcome obstacles. In combat, they reshape the battle by summoning allied creatures to fight alongside the party, hoping to overwhelm the enemy with numbers. Conjuration Savant is the typical Player's Handbook wizard subclass feature that makes Conjuration spells cheaper and easier to learn. Given how many of them there are and the high level of some go-to options, this can save a lot of gold. Minor Conjuration lets them create a magical copy of a non-magical item they've seen before. Outside of obvious uses like cloning keys, this feature can be used for any number of things with a creative player. Alternatively, they can swap places with a willing creature. This can free allies from danger, help less mobile characters bypass difficult obstacles, or leave a flanking enemy face-to-face with the party barbarian. This ability can be used every time the player casts a first-level or higher Conjuration spell, making it more reliable than many wizard subclass features.

However, unlike Demiplane, this spell is much more flexible in the travel that it permits.

For example, spells that alter any element of a creature or object would be classified as transmutation spells. Conjuration spells allow players to create and summon a wide variety of objects and creatures to assist in combat, puzzle-solving, and social situations alike. As there are many Conjuration spells in the game, it's fair to expect that these spells won't all be equally useful. Home to teleportation spells and summoning spells alike, conjuration spells can do anything from boosting mobility to offering combative assistance and improved action economy through a variety of summoning spells. Through its incredible diversity of utility, there are plenty of great conjuration spell options available to both low and high-level characters alike. Find Familiar is a first-level conjuration spell exclusive to Wizards that, as the name suggests, allows the caster to summon a familiar.

Casting classes, for example, will employ some very useful spells along the journey. While some are focused on destruction or on healing, plenty of other schools of magic exist as well. Certain Conjuration spells allow players to transport themselves, objects, and creatures from one location to another. Other spells available in this particular school of magic can summon creatures and objects to aid the party in tricky encounters. More advanced conjuration magic can even create effects out of thin air. For Wizards and Sorcerers looking for the perfect skills, here's the best of the conjuration school. This spell summons a spectral hand that can carry or manipulate objects. Players can open and unlock doors and chests while staying a safe distance away, always helpful in case of mimics or traps. The spectral hand can even disarm or trigger traps, or safely retrieve objects.

Best conjuration spells 5e

Conjuration does a lot of things. Generally when you think of a conjurer you think of summoning creatures, but conjuration is more than that: it also includes teleportation and spells which summon or create objects. Be sure to read my Practical Guide to Summoning Spells before you reach level 5 and get access to spells like Summon Shadowspawn. Previously, summon spells were complicated, difficult to use, and unpredictable since the DM was tasked with selecting what you actually get to summon. The new spells are consistently useful, easy to manage for both the player and the DM, and generally effective in a broad variety of situations.

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Outside of obvious uses like cloning keys, this feature can be used for any number of things with a creative player. Generally when you think of a conjurer you think of summoning creatures, but conjuration is more than that: it also includes teleportation and spells which summon or create objects. Everything else that qualifies can be summoned when needed. Conjure Animals is one of those spells that, if creatively used, can break any game's action economy and swing combat encounters in the party's favor. Teleport has unlimited range; so long as the location is on the same material plane as the caster, anything is possible. In combat, they reshape the battle by summoning allied creatures to fight alongside the party, hoping to overwhelm the enemy with numbers. Like Conjure Elemental, the summoned creature obeys the verbal commands of its caster but will stop doing so if the spell's concentration is broken. It combines well with daze too. But remember that increasing the spell level also adds more AC and hit points, which can make your summoned creature stick around longer. Even in non-surprise situations, going first helps a Conjuration wizard get as much use out of their summons as possible. Feather Fall can prevent an ignominious total party kill. That sounds nice, but remember that your summoned creature spells get better stats and more attacks with higher-level spell slots. Even a minor elemental can cause some damage. The consequences of losing Concentration on Conjuration spells range from losing the additional allies to the summoned creatures turning hostile, meaning Concentration is vital.


Artificer Initiate expands a Conjuration wizard's toolkit significantly. Interestingly, this spell does not require the summoned creature to act in a particular manner, and it may request payment if the tasks requested of it are not in its best interest. This can free allies from danger, help less mobile characters bypass difficult obstacles, or leave a flanking enemy face-to-face with the party barbarian. Be sure to read my Practical Guide to Summoning Spells before you reach level 5 and get access to spells like Summon Shadowspawn. Go-to options like Magic Missile and Shield are good choices. Being able to rest in middle of an adventure can help give you an advantage in battles. If things go well, they can probably go home before the spell ends. Depending on the combat rating of the creature summoned, they are able to call forth one to eight beasts. Wizards rarely have anything resource-free to use their bonus action on. Consider two levels of either circle of the shepherd druid or any variety of sorcerer. Summoning a Slaad provides the summon with regenerative properties, range from the Beholder form, and a damaging psychic aura from the Star Spawn option. Nonetheless, it's less invaluable than a School of Conjuration wizard's other stats. This feat makes summoning roughly twice as good imo. The ability to teleport and then act is amazing, especially when you can do it as a supernaturalswift action! This spell then essentially creates a teleportation link from one plant to the other, allowing any entire planet to be traversed within a single action!

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