Ben 10 villains pictures

A character subpage for villains debuting in the series. Arc Villains Vilgax See this page. The High Override "Who dares to defy the will of

A character subpage for Ben 10 Villains that debut in the original series. Major Villains Vilgax See his page. And good guys never have the guts to finish guys like me! An year-old boy Ben befriends in New York City, Kevin seems like your average street kid delinquent, but actually has superpowers that allow him to absorb energy. After revealing himself to be a disturbed sociopath, Kevin absorbs the power of Ben's Omnitrix, which backfires on him when it eventually mutates him into a hideous amalgamation of all 10 of Ben's aliens. Now dubbing himself "Kevin 11", he is obsessed with getting Revenge on Ben.

Ben 10 villains pictures

Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. I always did like this original intro. Can you believe Ben 10 has been a major Cartoon Network property for fifteen years? It's not one I ever personally "got into," and I can't say for certain why that is. I was over drinking age when it debuted, but that's never stopped me before, so maybe there was just something about its particular writing and characters that never fully grabbed me? Regardless, it's a series I'd have been a maniac for if it had coincided with my childhood, and I'm still pretty thoroughly familiar with its alien designs. If it always flew under your radar as well, the intro should tell you all you need to know - except for the backstory that Ben's alien gizmo, the Omnitrix, is basically an archive of DNA from legendary heroes throughout the galaxy, and the ten forms he has access to would cycle regularly as the series progressed With hundreds of known aliens in this canon, I obviously have a lot of personal favorites, and because my tastes are what they are, a Spooky-Season list of his creepiest, crawliest and slimiest happens to include every favorite I could ever want to cover Then we'd really be here for too long. For now, we'll just be looking at those aliens included in some incarnation of the Omnitrix itself! STINKFLY One of the original ten, this insectoid was Ben's go-to flying mode at the time, but flight wasn't necessarily its main theme or gimmick; rather, the alien is best known for its sticky, stinking slime, which had a variety of properties and could be spewed, strangely enough, from both its mouth and its eyes. This design was a nice one, having a more traditional "space alien" sort of feel than some of his others, and looking like an alien lifeform that only coincidentally resembles an Earth insect. Its head also has a sort of "xenomorph" feel to it, but with four flexible eye stalks sprouting out the sides; overall pretty unique! Besides everything that comes with being a humanoid fish, however, it also had a powerful enough bite to chomp through steel, an expandable throat, a bioluminescent illicium and an ability to fuse its humanoid legs into a single fish tail.

Energy Absorption : His basic power allows him to absorb and redirect energy, as seen with the common source of energy in electricity. Cyborg : She was turned into one by Vilgax in her first appearance.


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Ben 10 villains pictures

A character subpage for Ben 10 Villains that debut in the original series. Major Villains Vilgax See his page. And good guys never have the guts to finish guys like me! An year-old boy Ben befriends in New York City, Kevin seems like your average street kid delinquent, but actually has superpowers that allow him to absorb energy. After revealing himself to be a disturbed sociopath, Kevin absorbs the power of Ben's Omnitrix, which backfires on him when it eventually mutates him into a hideous amalgamation of all 10 of Ben's aliens. Now dubbing himself "Kevin 11", he is obsessed with getting Revenge on Ben. Original Series Abusive Parents : Implied to have them, as he claims they threw him out due to his powers. Ultimate Alien reveals this to be untrue; his mother and stepfather didn't kick him out.

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Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds : Implied in "Framed. Even his final appearance was just a quick cameo in Ben's dream. Lord Decibel. Fatal Flaw : His obsession with war machines and the past in general renders him blind to the flaws of his pursuits. The later series would provide a more detailed explanation for this. Belief Makes You Stupid : His justified belief in magic makes him believe anything , even that sleight of hand magic tricks are real magic or that zombie cosplayers are actual zombies. Ben was excited, of course She's also a violent thug who will shoot at innocent people including children and the elderly at the slightest provocation. Even the eyes, however, seem to just be decorative, since the true alien is the ribbon-like matter alone and can discard everything else to slither snakelike through tight spaces. Then she has her spellbook traded out for a magical necklace, which leads to her becoming more ruthless and dangerous of an opponent. Card-Carrying Villain : In the Negative 10 two parter, she competes with Charmcaster over who is the "baddest girl", and in Omniverse , when told bad guys never win, she responds "Oh, well see, I'm a bad girl ".

While he appears like a nice guy at first glance, Michael Morningstar, aka Darkstar, is quick to reveal his true colors as a selfish and manipulative villain. Basically an energy vampire, Darkstar is constantly on the hunt to drain people of their life force just so that he can retain his youthful appearance.

Dumb Muscle : Thumbskull is very strong, but not too bright. Multiversal Conqueror : He's traveled to at least a dozen universes, the Omnitrixes on his body as proof. The Comically Serious : He isn't trying to be funny, but he often can be all the same. Viktor and his appearance in that episode. Large Ham : Much like his niece Charmcaster, he's become one in this series. Hostile Terraforming : His Evil Plan to make Earth his domain involves covering the planet's skies in a Corrodium shell from space which will block out the sunlight which is deadly to Zs'Skayr , and enable him to rule at full power in the darkness. The Voiceless : He is never shown speaking at all. Combat Tentacles : Her hair still holds this power. When she gets it back, she immediately double-crosses them under Addwaitya's advice, which is later hilariously referenced by Ben "What's that, magic bag? Hoist by His Own Petard : Hit by her same baby powder which causes her to accelerate in age, turning her elderly. Mythology Gag : Her real name in this continuity is Heather. In addition, his reality-warping powers are much more limited than the nigh-omnipotence that the original Alien X had. Scaled Up : He turns into a giant snake in "Story, Board". Amazing Technicolor Population : He is blue. Thanatos Gambit : Was responsible for resurrecting Zs'Skayr.

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