ben 10 girl

Ben 10 girl

Bene:Nothing a bookworm like you would ever understand. Scraching the back of my head I decided to tell her.

Following an altercation in a witchcraft museum, Gwen acquires a potent charm that grants enough extraordinary good luck for her to proclaim herself a new superhero - Lucky Girl. Tour Guide : And behind this impenetrable glass is the recently discovered and only known existing copy of the Arkamada Book of Spells. Gwen Tennyson , Tour Guide : [in unison] It contains ancient witchcraft and rituals from the late s. Ben Tennyson : Don't let old mummy-face get to you. She's probably older than that spellbook. Sign In Sign In.

Ben 10 girl

Gwendolyn " Gwen " Tennyson , occasionally known as Lucky Girl , is a fictional character that appears in Cartoon Network 's Ben 10 franchise , created by Man of Action. A highly intelligent and strong martial artist , Gwen later develops magic abilities that are eventually revealed to be alien in nature, having inherited it from her alien paternal grandmother, Verdona. Gwen was created for Ben 10 — , in which she was voiced as a year-old by Meagan Smith. Tara Strong also briefly voices a version of Gwen set in an alternate future from the original series. An anime spin-off solo series starring Gwen, set in the original continuity as she attends college, is in active development. She and Ben constantly argue, however they are both shown to deeply care for each other on various occasions throughout the series. Following Ben's acquisition of the Omnitrix, the trio embark in a series of adventures, encountering various extraterrestrial and supernatural entities, including the intergalactic alien warlord overlord and conqueror Vilgax and master magician Hex Khary Payton and his niece Charmcaster Kari Wahlgren , the latter of whom detects a " magical aura " within Gwen, which she begins tapping into, acquiring magic powers of her own and obtaining Charmcaster's spellbook. On two occasions, Gwen uses the magic artifacts known as the Charms of Bezel to become the superhero Lucky Girl while becoming powerful like her cousin Ben with his Omnitrix. Besides magic, Gwen's biggest power is her intelligence: she is a computer expert and revealed to have extensive knowledge of history and science. She is also a skilled martial arts practitioner and adept gymnast. Set five years after the end of the original series, Gwen Tennyson Ashley Johnson is now a black belt in karate , but tends to favor using her powers.

Goofs Gwen's research into the Five Charms of Bazell tells her they grant the wearer the power of luck, fire, levitation and reincarnation, ben 10 girl. Hidden categories: Articles with short description Short description is different from Wikidata. I just needed a familiar villian to cause a scene in need of a Super alien heroine.


This is a list of characters in the universe of Cartoon Network 's Ben 10 franchise. Benjamin Kirby Tennyson , also known as Ben 10, is the main protagonist of the franchise. At the start of Ben 10 , he is a year-old boy [note 1] from Bellwood who, during his summer vacation, discovers the Omnitrix, a device that attaches to his wrist and allows him to transform into various aliens. He uses these powers to fight evil while fleeing from the alien warlord Vilgax, who is pursuing him to retrieve the Omnitrix. He is introduced as self-centered and cocky, initially only helping people for the thrill of being a hero, leading people to doubt if he has what it takes to be a hero and is worthy of wielding the Omnitrix's power. However, Ben matures over the course of the series, becoming a capable leader in Alien Force due to Max's disappearance and the threat of the Highbreed invasion. Despite his immaturity, he is motivated by the desire to help and protect people, especially his loved ones.

Ben 10 girl

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Neither Gwen, Ben or Max wonder about it. Perfect day pizzza workers x Male Reader. Director Scooter Tidwell. Nega Bene x male reader part 2. Zombies comic series , with Patrice designed after Gwen and Nate after Ben. Technical specs Edit. Female Mad Ben x Male reader. See the list. Retrieved 19 July Female Ben Omiverse x male reader.

In the Original Series , Gwen has pale skin, green eyes and short orange hair held by a blue hairclip and wears sapphire earrings, an elbow-length blue raglan shirt with a cat logo, white capri pants, and white sneakers with dark blue stripes without socks. In the first season of Alien Force , she wore a white shirt under a dark blue sweater, black tights under a black miniskirt, and black high heels. Her hair had also grown longer and was down to her waist.

Animo:All this time I thought it was my fault. Alabama Local News. Promoted stories. Omniverse Gwen x Male Reader. Kevin Levin. Through her powers, she is also capable of telekinesis , teleportation , clairvoyance and healing. Ben Tennyson Gwen Tennyson. Set several weeks after the previous series, Gwen Tennyson, now sixteen years old, releases her dormant, inner Anodite for the second time against Zombozo John DiMaggio after he attempts to kill her aunt and Ben's mother Sandra Beth Littleford , growing to a gigantic size and shouting at him to leave Ben and Kevin's families alone, terrifying him before letting him go to spread the word to all of their other enemies. In Omniverse , she voices both the kid and teenage versions of Gwen, as well as all her alternate timeline counterparts. Gwen 10 x Male Reader. Perfect day pizzza workers x Male Reader.

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