belfast telegraph deaths

Belfast telegraph deaths

House private. Funeral Service will be held Dearly beloved husband of Pauline, much loved father to Emma, Jonathon and his wife Jacqueline and Rachael and her partner Ryan

Select your booking type. Additional online benefits to placing a notice for your loved one. Families can raise charitable donations in memory of their loved one with payments made directly to the charities. Multiple photos can be added at point of booking and directly on the notice once it has been published for free. Families, friends, neighbours, colleagues etc can pay tribute and messages of condolence online free of charge forever.

Belfast telegraph deaths

Will be sadly Beloved husband of the late Pat. Sadly missed by daughter Karen. Loving brother-in-law of Thomas and wife Eva. Uncle of Heather and husband Geoffrey, Alan and wife Karen and children. Gone to be with Christ which is far better Husband of Isobel. Deeply regretted by brother-in-law John and wife Kathleen and nephews and nieces. Galations 2 v The son of God who loved me, and gave Beloved brother of Jackie and Anne, much loved brother-in-law of John, and a cherished Uncle. Funeral service to be held from his sister's home, 1 Glensharragh Avenue, Belfast Private family funeral Will be sadly missed by cousin Linda, niece Gail, nephews Deane, Lee and family circle. You gave us years of happiness, then sorrow came with tears, you left us lovely

Driving Tutors. Patrick, Teena Catherine.

Also her husband James died 21st July Always remembered by their son Jim, wife Anne and grandchildren. The Lord is my Shepherd. Dearly beloved husband of Phyllis and much loved father of the late Jonathan. Funeral Service in New Row We still miss you,we still love you, and we still remember every moment with you dear William. Passed away, 8th March

Beloved husband of the late Rosemary, loving dad of Paul and Sarah, father-in-law of Jane and Stewart and a much loved grandfather of Poppy. Sadly missed by his sister Irene Cherished memories. Dearly loved and treasured husband of Elizabeth, loving father of Karen and Gavin, father-in-law of Michael and Beloved wife of William Billy , Barscourt, Lisburn. House Private. A Service of Thanksgiving for

Belfast telegraph deaths

Precious memories of a wonderful husband, father and granddad. Died 6th March, We think about you often, and talk about you too, we'll always have our memories, but we Resting where no shadows fall. Forever in our Hearts. Thoughts drift back to bygone days, life goes on but memory stays. Words are few, thoughts are deep, memories of you are ours always keep. Cherished memories of Billy.

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Page of 3, Prev Next. Memories we shared, will always last. Financial Services. Wedding Anniversary. Death Notices. Loving father to Corina and the late Beverley. Birthday Greetings. Search notices of births, deaths and marriages in Northern Ireland. Spence, Victor Mbe. Personal Trainers. Wray, William John Billy. General Services. Domestic Appliance Repairs.

Late of Back Road, Drumbo. Beloved wife of the late Alan, and much loved mum of Dani and Michael

Business Wanted. Personal Trainers. Find me - in -. Legal Notices. Business For Sale. As long as life Deeply regretted by sister-in-law Sylvia, Alex and family. Computer Services. Beloved wife of the late Robert Roy , loving mother and mother-in-law of Lorraine and her partner Bartley and Alan and his wife Sharon. Godden, Minnie May. Wray, William John Billy. Will be sadly missed by friend Neily, partner Amanda and kids. Butterwood, Muriel. Dear brother to Jim and Mccloskey, Breda.

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