barbarian 3.5

Barbarian 3.5

From the frozen wastes of the north and the hellish jungles of the south come brave, even reckless, warriors.

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Barbarian 3.5

Design Note: This content is for use with Races of War 3. Playing a Barbarian is actually very easy. In general, you hit things, and they fall down. A Barbarian's action in almost any circumstance can plausibly be "I hit it with my great axe! You will take many, many hits in doing so, but once the fight ends and you stop raging, your Fast Healing will allow you to go back to full HP relatively soon. Which is good, because nothing makes the party healer irritable like him having to burn all the charges in his wand AND his spells that day for your benefit. Therefore, the only time you may need healing is in the thick of battle, to keep you from actually dying which is a distinct possibility for you. Nonetheless, if you aren't taking damage in an encounter, you aren't playing your Barbarian correctly. Races: Anybody can become a barbarian, and in areas with little in the way of civilization, a lot of people do. Alignment: Every alignment has its share of Barbarians, however more Barbarians are of Chaotic alignment than of Lawful Alignment. Starting Age : As Barbarian. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Barbarians are proficient with simple weapons, martial weapons, light armor, medium armor and with shields. Rage Ex : When doing melee damage to a foe or being struck by a foe, a Barbarian may choose to enter a Rage as an immediate action. While Raging, a Barbarian may not cast spells, activate magic items, use spell-like abilities, or drop his weapons or shield.

Most barbarians and rogues have a preternatural awareness of danger, whether the threat of a nearby barbarian 3.5 attacker or the hidden peril of a spear trap. A horselord who enters battle ecstasy becomes difficult to harm.

A barbarian is proficient with all simple and martial weapons , light armor, medium armor, and shields except tower shields. This benefit applies only when he is wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor and not carrying a heavy load. Barbarians are the only characters who do not automatically know how to read and write. A barbarian may spend 2 skill points to gain the ability to read and write all languages he is able to speak. A barbarian who gains a level in any other class automatically gains literacy. Any other character who gains a barbarian level does not lose the literacy he or she already had.

Submit Cancel. Designed to let the Barbarian run into the middle of a horde of enemies and come out alive. Bonus damage dice and powerful abilities when raging. Playing a Barbarian is actually very easy. In general, you hit things, and they fall down. A Barbarian's action in almost any circumstance can plausibly be "I hit it with my great axe! You will take many, many hits in doing so, but once the fight ends and you stop raging, your Fast Healing will allow you to go back to full HP relatively soon. Which is good, because nothing makes the party healer irritable like him having to burn all the charges in his wand AND his spells that day for your benefit. Therefore, the only time you may need healing is in the thick of battle, to keep you from actually dying which is a distinct possibility for you.

Barbarian 3.5

From the frozen wastes of the north and the hellish jungles of the south come brave, even reckless, warriors. Civilized people call them barbarians or berserkers and suspect them of mayhem, impiety, and atrocities. These "barbarians," however, have proven their mettle and their value to those who would be their allies. To enemies who underestimated them, they have proved their cunning, resourcefulness, persistence, and mercilessness. Adventuring is the best chance barbarians have of finding a place in a civilized society. They're not well suited to the monotony of guard duty or other mundane tasks. Barbarians also have no trouble with the dangers, the uncertainties, and the wandering that adventuring involves. They may adventure to defeat hated enemies. They have a noted distaste for that which they consider unnatural, including undead, demons, and devils.

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Assign your Power Attack penalty to your armor class. Also, cold planes rock, 'cause apparently you absorb the lack of heat or something and heal. Makes you always ready! Why am I mentioning this? A barbarian may prematurely end his rage. Incarnum Defense Su : At 7th level, a duskling barbarian gains the ability to use incarnum to protect herself against damage. Smaller DCs have thrown men into despair. If you use this variant, the barbarian loses one or more of the following standard class features: fast movement, uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge. If you have extras, feel free to pick this. Unlike a normal disjunction, this effect only targets a single item or creature struck.

The young upstart stood against the old, grizzled veteran. He had just challenged the old man in a duel to prove the superiority of his technique.

At 1st level he can use this ability once per day. Simple deal; you act first so that they never need to act at all! In fact, this class is little more than a CW Samurai in disguise; you get a bunch of poor, pre-determined feats and that's about it. When a barbarian taps into his buried anger, he unleashes his wrath and turns into a brutal killing machine. In place of these abilities, the barbarian gains class features as determined by his totem. Verdict: Depends. Hazards of the wastes include dangers such as lava pools, slipsand, softsand, and other terrain features. These atypical members of the different races usually band together. Your keen instincts help you avoid danger, while your great strength enables you to disrupt dangerous devices. An implacable stays alive and in the enemy's path, letting his allies accomplish their mission.

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