baldurs gate coran

Baldurs gate coran

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Coran actually has two quests. The first involves hunting wyverns in the Cloakwood and the second involves an ex-lover in Baldur's Gate city. Coran's first quest involves hunting a wyvern that can be found in a cave on the fourth Cloakwood map AR Sorry if I startled you but I always approach strangers cautiously. I'm Coran, hunter and archer. Are any of you interested in making some money? If you are, I'm the person who could help you do it.

Baldurs gate coran

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Global Achievements. Poncherello View Profile View Posts. I need it in order to open chests, disable traps and shot enemies with arrows. Now I have found Coran, but I have already Imoen in my party. Who should I keep in my party? Coran is more powerful as archer but has a too low value for disabling traps. Showing 1 - 14 of 14 comments.

Instead he traveled to the city of Baldur's Gate, dreaming of wealth, power, and respect. World Map Areas by game Areas by type. BG1 Companions.

He has also short appearances in Siege of Dragonspear and Shadows of Amn. Coran is available from Chapter Four. He can be found standing at the middle of a bridge in NW of first part of Cloakwood. He will ask you to join his plan in bringing the governor of Beregost a 'dragon's head', if it is accepted, he will join the party. His starting equipment is: leather armor, a long bow, 20 arrows and a long sword. If he's given the Gauntlets of Ogre Power , he can use composite bows as well.

Coran was a wandering adventurer and womanizing archer of dubious virtue who traveled around Tethyr and across the Realms throughout the 14 th century DR. While most elves were slender or athletic, Coran's exuberance for luxury and excess lent his appearance a certain "pudginess". This was exceptionally apparent in his later years of life. He wore garish outfits that always drew even more attention to the spectacle that was himself. He decorated himself with rather stylist jewelry.

Baldurs gate coran

When a party member is within a certain distance of Coran, he'll initiate dialog. Coran is adjacent to a Cabin structure in the forest. The quest is added to the player's journal after dialogue with Coran is concluded. In the northwest part of the Forest of Tethir, near the cabin, you find Coran , a potential companion from Baldur's Gate.

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Coran and Krydle shared moment together, and left on much better terms than their last meeting. Coran and Safana dialogue:. Xan BG1. All rights reserved. Instead he traveled to the city of Baldur's Gate, dreaming of wealth, power, and respect. Even if you don't dual her as a mage, it's not like you're gonna put her and her 9 STR up front to go toe-to-toe with the bad guys. The best armour for thieves is the Shadow Armour you can buy in Beregost. Shadow armor on Imoen, pfft. Deities by alignment Deities by race Deities by domain. Warrick View Profile View Posts. He sheepishly admits to being caught in the act of seducing a female member of the Knights of the Unicorn and being forced to flee from the violently jealous mage.

RPG Search. Banshee Network Choose a site Subsite Navigation Game Information.

Are any of you interested in making some money? He can be found standing at the middle of a bridge in NW of first part of Cloakwood. Use Tweaks Anthology to set Coran's Dexterity to If he's given the Gauntlets of Ogre Power , he can use composite bows as well. He sheepishly admits to being caught in the act of seducing a female member of the Knights of the Unicorn, and being forced to flee from the violently jealous mage. What is canon? While his younger years were full of adventures and daring escapades, Coran's later years were spent enjoying a certain level of celebrity. Coran's appearance in Siege of Dragonspear is rather short as his "maiden" affair was discovered by Safana , who he apparently had developed a relationship with. Some time after the end of the Iron Crisis he began a rather tumultuous relationship with the sultry thief Safana. Tiax BG1. Even if you don't dual her as a mage, it's not like you're gonna put her and her 9 STR up front to go toe-to-toe with the bad guys. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. View mobile website. Wicket W. Designed by Philip Daigle , et al.

3 thoughts on “Baldurs gate coran

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