baldurs gate 3 zhentarim hideout

Baldurs gate 3 zhentarim hideout

On this page, you can find information about the map, quests, enemies, notable items, and other useful tips about Zhentarim Basement. This is the best armor you can get for a Rogue in EA.

Joined: Sep There is nothing really game breaking or too annoying but I wish this quest had been slightly more developed. The chest quest is a bit confusing. Firstly, none of the NPC was very clear that opening the chest will make it unsellable. They simply said: "it's not worth trying" I realized that only after I have opened the chest based on the quest updates.

Baldurs gate 3 zhentarim hideout

I've played Baldur's Gate 3 a lot now. And, let me tell you, I've played through Act 1 more times than a lot. I just can't help creating new characters! This restart-itus has become even worse recently, too, thanks to me delving into the world of Baldur's Gate 3 cosmetic mods , which are letting me take character aesthetics to a whole new level. And, while I'm now overly familiar with Act 1 of Baldur's Gate 3, I'm still astonished that after playing through the game so many times, with so many different characters, I'm still being surprised by in-game content that I've never seen before, such as my recent discovery of a swag-laden shortcut into the Underdark that I'd totally missed on every other run to date. Naturally, spoilers now follow. Well, entirely until I ran through Waukeen's Rest with my most recent character, the wood elf druid Flidais, and noticed I'd never been in that particular locked door in the inn's stable area. The door in question can be bypassed in a number of ways, be that picking its lock Astarion FTW! Equally, if you have any characters with Enhanced Leap or Misty Step, or a Potion of Flying on hand, then you can also get up on the roof tiles that way. Regardless of the option you choose, proceed past the door and then avoid being ambushed by a crouched, ambushing Zhentarim scout. Once you are past the scout you will find, nestled at the back of a very ordinary looking barn, a hidden trap door. Proceed through the trap door and you'll find yourself in a hidden storage area loaded with containers. Many of these contain useful items or camp supplies, so it's worth raiding them all, but what you want to do next is check out the large wardrobe that's tucked up the far left corner of the room. Successfully interact with this wardrobe and you'll discover that it is actually a secret door that once opened leads down to the Zhentarim hideout proper.

The chest quest is a bit confusing.

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Read on to view the maps of the Zhentarim Basement and to find out all the points of interest in the Zhentarim Basement area. List of Contents. This is the main Zhentarim Hideout area map, full of the bandits of Zhentarim. There is an elevator to the Underdark here, located at the other end of the area from the entrance. How to Get to the Underdark. This is the floor that you'll be in upon descending from the Hatch in Waukeen's Rest in the Risen Road. There's nothing much in this area; you just need to find the secret entrance to the hideout here, that you can unlock by taking the key from Salazon , the lookout in Waukeen's Rest. Upon entering the Zhentarim Basement from the house in Waukeen's Rest, you'll be inside a tiny storehouse; this is the upper floor of the Zhentarim Basement. The entrance to the actual hideout can be found behind the Wardrobe in this upper floor. You need the key held by Salazon , the lookout that you should have encountered in the house above, in Waukeen's Rest.

Baldurs gate 3 zhentarim hideout

The Zhentarim Hideout, or basement, is one of the most important locations in BG3, as it is a part of several quests. The coordinates for the entrance to the hideout are X: , Y: You will come across a very rough-looking door when you follow the coordinates and will also pass a lot of Skill checks. There are a couple of boxes that you need to get out of the way before entering, and after that, you will get to talk to Salazon here. I used Detect Thoughts mechanism on Salazon to uncover the password for the door. Below is a list of activities that you will be able to do in the Zhentarim hideout, including trading and completing important quests. After starting the side quest, the players will have to go towards the northern side of the map and cross the stone bridge. Below is the list of all the items that you will be able to obtain from Brem, including the basic items as well as the expanded inventory that you can unlock by completing the finding the missing shipment sidequest. Another important side quest that you will be able to complete when exploring the Zhentarim hideout is the free artist side quest. You will be able to interact with many NPCs in the area.

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PC Gamer Newsletter Sign up to get the best content of the week, and great gaming deals, as picked by the editors. Instead you had to choose between leaving that quest pending or stupidly admitting you have opened the chest. Advanced wares seem to be available when you help them and don't try to cross them. Messaggio originale di Lamp :. Note: the iron gates at the back of the basement can be unlocked with the two Zhentarim Key variants. Have fun exploring the Zhentarim Hideout! Even if he never leaves the cave at all, weird but ok. This guy is a bum who asks you for even more money after you paid to free him and it doesn't look like you'll be able to finish his quest until you reach Baldur's Gate so you'll never make your money back. This is the best armor you can get for a Rogue in EA. However, Zhentarim Hideout has been available since the Early Access era. Devs always have problems with making shady underground quests like this.

In Baldur's Gate 3 , you can also meet some of the Zhentarim, and, more importantly, discover their secret hideout for some sweet loot. If you're wondering where to find the Zhentarim Hideout and what you can do there, we've got a breakdown of everything you need to know right here. Tread carefully, adventurer, as these are not people you want to get on the wrong side of.

So you cannot steal the box and get access to the Trader items at the same time. HP Omen Transcend 14 gaming laptop review. Once you are past the scout you will find, nestled at the back of a very ordinary looking barn, a hidden trap door. Visualizza il sito web per dispositivi mobili. I just can't help creating new characters! The items can then be acquired through trading, pick-pocketing , or looting Brem's corpse if you decide to kill the group anyway after gaining their trust. However, it's worth behaving friendly with them in the beginning, as Zhentarim Hideout hosts one of the multiple passages into the Underdark. Pick up the Find the missing shipment quest. You still need to pay the for the quest to show up later. If Salazon is successfully dealt with, he will give the player a key to the wardrobe at the back of the basement, which leads to the hideout. Alcuni dati geospaziali su questo sito sono forniti da geonames. Pagina del Negozio. Going through this wall before Istor's eyes will cause the entire guards to begin combat against you. It's a very easy access to the underdark especially for who does not feel like poking the spider matriarch yet, the spot is very close to the myconid colony too. Be warned that if you are found to be stealing from them, the Zhentarim will all turn hostile towards you.

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