baldurs gate 3 steamchart

Baldurs gate 3 steamchart

Quick Stats. Game Overview. Developers: Larian Studios. Publishers: Larian Studios.

The Belgian developer has an ardent following for its detailed, specialized, highly traditional RPGs in the Divinity series, but the studio has never enjoyed so much attention before. The rest of the chart is composed of free-to-play multiplayer games. All four of these premium, solo games launched on Steam in the last three years — three of them in the last 18 months. They will likely be joined by a fifth on Sept. The PlayStation 5 version, meanwhile, was delayed a week to the same Sept. Take a break from your day by playing a puzzle or two!

Baldurs gate 3 steamchart

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Starfield Store Page. Global Achievements. According to Steamcharts, Starfield is completely losing out to Baldur's Gate 3. Here's the number of current players and peak all-time players for both games. BD3's peak was k players whereas Starfield only has a peak of k players. Do note a game's peak is usually within a week of its release. As you can see, Bethesda isnt doing too well here.

Subgenre Based Ranking. The Belgian developer has an ardent following for its detailed, specialized, highly traditional RPGs in the Divinity series, but the studio has never enjoyed so much attention before. Movies TV Comics.


Baldur's Gate 3 has continued setting new records on Steam in the wake of its massively successful launch, with its latest peak concurrent player count beating that of every other CRPG and turn-based game by a large margin. Larian Studios' long-awaited RPG finally launched out of Early Access last week and immediately shot up the Steam charts , becoming the platforms second-biggest launch of behind Hogwarts Legacy. It then surpassed both Skyrim and Fallout 4 on Steam's list of the biggest RPG launches ever , and its highest recorded concurrent player count - that is, the most people playing at the same time - has now reached ,, nearly twice its launch day peak. As is being discussed on Reddit , that places Baldur's Gate 3's highest concurrent player peak well above that of the next highest turn-based game, Dota Underlords, at , peak concurrent, and that's with the reach of it being more of an auto-battler. In the CRPG category, Larian's Divinity Original Sin 2 has the next-highest peak concurrent player count at 93, - a respectable figure that's still hundreds of thousands lower than Baldur's Gate 3's. Putting aside the huge caveat that Steam itself has become exponentially bigger in recent years and thus will naturally bring in more players to newer games, it's still safe to call Baldur's Gate 3 a roaring success on PC, and it's shaping up to be a big hit on PS5 when it launches there on September 6. Now, as GamesRadar's west coast Staff Writer, I'm responsible for managing the site's western regional executive branch, AKA my apartment, and writing about whatever horror game I'm too afraid to finish. UK Edition. Total Film.

Baldurs gate 3 steamchart

Baldur's Gate III is dominating the Steam charts with record-breaking numbers, surpassing the , concurrent player mark on August 6. To be precise, the peak count was ,, perching it as the ninth-highest ranking PC game, when sorted by all-time peak variable — right below Hogwarts Legacy. It's an impressive feat, considering the game had been out for nearly three years now, albeit in early access, which allowed developer Larian Studios to slow-cook it to perfection based on player feedback. The completed version of the game dropped August 3 on PC and has shown no signs of slowing down. While Baldur's Gate 3's release timing might've placed it in a position with no major competition in sight, it's being received well for its in-depth story, characters, and outlandish romance options, all of which are determined by stats and dice rolls. Even the cosmetics included in the Deluxe Edition were given for free to those who supported development by purchasing the Early Access version, as a kind gesture. Such smooth player-to-developer understanding is bound to bring good results — results that have now exceeded Larian Studios' expectations.

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All four of these premium, solo games launched on Steam in the last three years — three of them in the last 18 months. Historical Data. Business accounts get annual and quarterly insights going back to Get Business Access to unlock this. Eminem View Profile View Posts. Do note a game's peak is usually within a week of its release. Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Start playing. Originally posted by Xaxoon :.

At the time of writing, the peak player count for the game is hovering around , , according to data from SteamDB. This is a massive win for single-player games and RPGs, showing that there are plenty of people who still care for and want to play great games in that style.

Originally posted by reignworld :. Eminem View Profile View Posts. Business accounts can see all available data since and download it as a single Excel file. Publishers: Larian Studios. Ranking is based on all games in that subgenre on Steam. Business accounts get annual and quarterly insights going back to The cumulative view for games released pre includes pre performance in the bar. However, even under the assumption Gamepass players were equal to Steam players count, there's no way SF's peak player count could have ever surpassed BD3 at all. According to Steamcharts, Starfield is completely losing out to Baldur's Gate 3. And yet you bought the game OP. Per page: 15 30

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