Baldurs gate 3 loverslab

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Baldurs gate 3 loverslab


Remove ALL ads Including pop-ups by getting a membership. Originally posted by Favill :.


If you're in the mood and trying to create a relationship with your Companions in Baldur's Gate 3 , you're in the right place. This Sex and Romance Options guide will help you achieve every possible romantic encounter with all your Companions. For a complete guide to romancing each character, be sure to check out our comprehensive Companion Romance Guides, which we have linked below. Have you ever wanted to romance another Companion, but you've unfortunately already committed your heart to one? Or maybe you simply didn't want to commit sorry, Gale!

Baldurs gate 3 loverslab

For example, you can undress your favorite companion, dress the main character in sexy attire, or make all non-playable characters completely naked. While Baldur's Gate 3 allows for romantic encounters with some characters, a full-fledged sex system is not implemented. This mod removes bras from all female characters in the game. It only affects underwear, leaving the upper part of armor and everyday clothing intact. More Equal Underwear. With this mod, the bust of female characters becomes much larger and more attractive. It works for all playable races. Just Big Boobs. With this mod, you can not only change the bust but also the entire body - buttocks, thighs, and overall body proportions. It looks great on a slender githyanki body - the shapes become juicier and more realistic.

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Last edited by Dionysos ; 7 Jul, am. Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Hosting this site is not free. Originally posted by Yojo0o :. It was an odd choice for sure. Some geospatial data on this website is provided by geonames. Join now. Originally posted by Luuin :. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts. Store Page. Check it Out. So its only fair if they get an Astarion x Halsin.

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