Baal diablo art

Very cool.

As with all the Great Evils , Baal spawned from one of the seven heads of the great dragon Tathamet. His domain in the Burning Hells was the Realm of Destruction. Baal's early existence was much like that of his fellow brothers—an endless battle with the forces of Heaven. He never got tired of it, partly because he never exhausted all the opportunities for wanton destruction. So certain of their impending victory, the Prime Evils turned on each other, battling over spoils they had yet to win. Their discord allowed the forces of Heaven to drive them back. While leading his forces on the battlefields of Pandemonium , Mephisto noticed that the angels were withdrawing.

Baal diablo art


Tristram Cathedral Catacombs Caves Hell.


Baal is the last monster in the game, and the act boss of Act Five. He must be defeated to complete the Eve of Destruction quest. Killing Baal enables a character to proceed to the next higher difficulty level, and gains that character a title as well. Baal can be discerned from his Vile Effigy duplicate by carefully observing the names. Note that in the hover name of real Baal, pictured in the image below, the "B" of Baal is slightly offset to the left from the "D" of Demon. The B and the D in the hover of the Vile Effigy are exactly aligned. You will also notice which is which since the Vile Effigy is spawned with just half of Baal's hit points, so even though their health bars look the same, the duplicate will appear to take damage much more quickly. Baal has a fierce melee attack, and can also cast a wide variety of powerful spells:.

Baal diablo art

Baal is one of the three brothers who make up the Prime Evils , along with Mephisto and Diablo. He is a major figure in the world mythology, and features in several of the Diablo Novels , and is the main antagonist in the expansion to Diablo II , Lord of Destruction. Baal is the Lord of Destruction, and is inherently evil. In his existence before being imprisoned in the body of Tal Rasha , he was described to be brutish, but seems to indeed have taken on some of the powerful Horadric mage's intelligence after the imprisonment. On encounters with both Marius and the Barbarians , he acts rather playful and sly with a dry sense of humour. It's been debated whether or not Baal is left handed, as he uses his left hand to do a variety of things, including killing Marius, using it in his conversation with the Barbarians. Baal has a few behaviourisms that sets him apart from his two brothers, Mephisto and Diablo.

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He has ravaged through our lands like a merciless plague. To break Tal Rasha's mind, Baal kept showing him the moment where he and Kulle had bound him to the soulstone fragment, but subtly reworked it, introducing shades of doubt and fear to make Tal Rasha doubt himself. Diablo Wiki Explore. He battled Tyrael who was also trapped in the Worldstone in a shattered realm, which reflected the state of the Worldstone, as the angel struggled to keep him sealed. Baal was defeated by the Shard-seeker shortly after he escaped from the shard. I still wanted to make something for D2. Very cool. Or was he clever enough to ensure that such a thing never came to pass, embracing defeat, death, and rebirth, lest his cycle of annihilation be jeopardized? Baal, controlling Tal Rasha's body, struggled to escape, but could not break free of the bonds. While leading his forces on the battlefields of Pandemonium , Mephisto noticed that the angels were withdrawing.

Centuries later, Diablo freed Baal, who then corrupted the Worldstone to devastating effect for the barbarians who lived near Mount Arreat. The heroes killed Baal shortly afterward.

Sign in to edit. All of the strife and horror that had accumulated within the shard began to spread through the gargantuan crystal. Baal was defeated by the Shard-seeker shortly after he escaped from the shard. And soon it shall be reduced to ash, and I will be free. As with all the Great Evils , Baal spawned from one of the seven heads of the great dragon Tathamet. The central rune, carved into a human jawbone, amplified Baal's power, but the outer runes anchored it within the circle. Diablo Fans. Centuries after his impirosnment, Baal was released at the hands of Diablo in the guise of the Dark Wanderer and Marius. He has ravaged through our lands like a merciless plague. Art with Diablo. However, Baal did have his suspicions, and pointed out to Mephisto that Lilith was missing. The defenders were betrayed by the elder Nihlathak , the only survivor of the spell. Very cool. I still hold that game in high regard and if given the chance to replay it again I would. The two used the soulstone against him, intent on sealing his essence inside it, but Baal was able to shatter it, before escaping through a portal into the valley below.

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