authentik api

Authentik api

I was able to get Authentik OpenID setup by following the guideauthentik api, and mapping a config. How can I link the SSO login to my own previously exisiting user?

I'm currently working on integrating user authentication into my application using the Authentik API. It seems there's no obvious endpoint for user authentication. I need to authenticate users using their usernames and passwords and obtain a token for subsequent API requests. Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback. Thank you for the assistance.

Authentik api


Those are two different names. Edit: in follow-up, this authentik api like something on the Authentik side, so I just deleted everything there and re-followed the steps in the instructions.


Scopes can be configured using Scope Mappings, a type of Property Mappings. This provider also exposes a GitHub-compatible endpoint. To access the user's email address, a scope of user:email is required. To access their groups, read:org is required. Because these scopes are handled by a different endpoint, they are not customisable as a Scope Mapping. This grant is used to convert an authorization code to an access token and optionally refresh token. The authorization code is retrieved through the Authorization flow, and can only be used once, and expires quickly. Starting with authentik Refresh tokens can be used as long-lived tokens to access user data, and further renew the refresh token down the road. By default, every user that has access to an application can request any of the configured scopes.

Authentik api

Client credentials can be used for machine-to-machine communication authentication. This behavior is due to providers only being able to have a single secret at any given time. Hence identification is based on service-accounts, and authentication is based on App-password tokens. These objects can be created in a single step using the Create Service account function. This token can be sent along requests to other hosts, which can then validate the JWT based on the signing key configured in authentik. Starting with authentik In addition to that, with authentik To configure this, the certificate used to sign the input JWT must be created in authentik.

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Unordered list. I was able to get Authentik OpenID setup by following the guide , and mapping a config. You can also use -f and it will show you logs as they happen. Attach files. Those are two different names. Unable to implement user login Authentik API Are you talking about the username or the display name? I need to authenticate users using their usernames and passwords and obtain a token for subsequent API requests. Sign in to comment. Screen Shot at 3. That was done on purpose. Thank you so much for your response! Skip to content.

All users and groups in authentik's database are searchable. Currently, there is limited support for filters you can only search for objectClass , but this will be expanded in further releases. This allows you to use the same policies and flows as you do for web-based logins.

Any other ones I had created along the way messing with Authentik all appeared to have their own x-y-z names automatically generated by vikunja in the user list which is why I just ended up deleted everything and starting from scatch. Interesting, in the Vikunja CLI using:. If the email is not public in those cases, authenticating will fail. BeryJu Oct 19, Maintainer. I was able to get Authentik OpenID setup by following the guide , and mapping a config. Discussion options. There is indeed both a username and a separate display name there too. Comment options. Beta Was this translation helpful? How can I link the SSO login to my own previously exisiting user? Unable to implement user login Authentik API For vikunja, a local user and a user from a third party with provider are completely separate. I'm currently working on integrating user authentication into my application using the Authentik API.

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