australia school shooting

Australia school shooting

A Perth teenager who sparked fears of an American-style school shooting australia school shooting pleaded guilty to endangering the lives of staff and students at a northern suburbs college by firing gunshots at buildings. The year-old boy, who cute emo dudes be identified, was taken into custody in dramatic circumstances in May after getting access to two of his father's licensed rifles and ammunition and driving to Atlantis Beach Baptist College in Two Rocks. He fired three shots at school buildings, in what then-premier Mark McGowan likened to "the sort of thing you see on television in the United States". Two of the bullets hit australia school shooting, one of them a demountable classroom with a teacher and student inside.

The United States leads globally in school shootings, with incidents from to , far surpassing other countries like Mexico and South Africa. Common motivations for school shooters include mental illness, depression, bullying, and a desire for recognition, with minimal influence from entertainment media. While the U. School shootings are a form of gun violence that involves an attack via firearms and takes place at an educational institution, such as a primary school, secondary school, or university. While many school shootings are resolved with zero fatalities, many others result in gun-related deaths , and some are also considered mass shootings because of the number of people injured or killed by the attack. The United States has endured hundreds more school shootings than any other country in recent years.

Australia school shooting

The words "school" and "shooting" used in the same sentence is enough to send chills through most people. Login or signup to continue reading. When those schools are not in the United States but on our own shores it's even more terrifying. Today a shot was fired into a window of a public school at Macquarie Fields. Thankfully that's where the similarities with the American version of "school shootings" end. Humans in Australia have not been injured. Details of the Macquarie Fields incident are still emerging and it is important to know, even at this stage, that there were no injuries reported to students or staff. The school did not go into lockdown and questions continue to swirl. However, just that a "metal projectile" in the words of NSW Police had broken a classroom window is difficult enough to comprehend right now. It has been seized and specialist police will forensically examine it.

What's On. Should not be confused with the December Melbourne car attack which killed one person. Stabbingfamilicide.

This article is a list of mass shootings in Australia. Mass shootings are firearm-related violence with at least four casualties. Excluded are shootings associated with acts of war, such as the Cowra breakout , which saw over soldiers killed. Also excluded are massacres of Aboriginal people using firearms, most of which are not well-documented. The data include casualties of perpetrators, including self-inflicted gunshot or shooting of a perpetrator by police.

As America grieves over the devastating Uvalde school shooting, in which 21 people including 19 children were killed , the incident has brought the public debate about strengthening firearms control back into full focus. The tragedy that unfolded at Robb Elementary School, Texas, comes less than a month after 10 people were killed in another mass shooting in Buffalo, New York. The brutality of these crimes has compelled many to explore how the rest of the world regulates firearms. One such comparison is with Australia which, some claim, has experienced no mass shootings for 25 years. Multiple tweets posted since the Uvalde killings of 24 May, , have claimed that no mass shootings have taken place in Australia since it introduced strict gun control laws in

Australia school shooting

The unimaginable nightmare of a school shooting in Australia cannot be dismissed as something that is only capable of occurring in the United States. In this article we examine a recent tragedy in the United States and pose the question: could this occur in Australia? On 24 May , a teenage gunman killed 19 children and two teachers after storming into Robb Elementary School in Texas, making it the country's worst school shooting in nearly a decade. It was the twenty-seventh shooting in a US school this year. The motive is unknown. On 27 May , in response to the massacre, former President of the United States, Donald Trump said at a National Rifle Association convention in Houston that what is needed in the US is "a top-to-bottom security overhaul of schools all across our country.

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Read our Privacy Policy. Canada has experienced a total of 19 school shootings between and The data include casualties of perpetrators, including self-inflicted gunshot or shooting of a perpetrator by police. Bundaberg , Queensland. A CNN feature used slightly tighter criteria and tallied a comparatively lower school shootings in the United States between and —however, the country with the second-most school shootings during that period, Mexico, experienced only eight shootings during that same time period. Response to the Cullin-la-ringo massacre. The words "school" and "shooting" used in the same sentence is enough to send chills through most people. Broken Hill , New South Wales. When those schools are not in the United States but on our own shores it's even more terrifying. The school did not go into lockdown and questions continue to swirl.

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While many Americans advocate for stronger gun control measures that could arguably curb not only gun deaths but firearm-related violence in general, many others feel that such restrictions would violate the Second Amendment of the U. Tv Glen Innes Examiner. Retrieved 17 January Archived from the original on 6 July Crime Stoppers South Australia. A man opened fire with a handgun at a wedding party, wounding seven people. A CNN feature used slightly tighter criteria and tallied a comparatively lower school shootings in the United States between and —however, the country with the second-most school shootings during that period, Mexico, experienced only eight shootings during that same time period. By country or territory. A gang of men shot and killed four police special constables. A man shot and killed his common-law wife and her parents and wounded her brother. By past country or territory. Churchill Fire.

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