asia kate dillon long hair

Asia kate dillon long hair

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Asia Kate Dillon born November 15, [1] is an American actor. Dillon identifies as non-binary and uses singular they pronouns. Dillon graduated from the American Musical and Dramatic Academy. They were the youngest student ever admitted to the class. Dillon played white supremacist Brandy Epps, a penitentiary inmate, in eight episodes of Orange Is the New Black in , making them one of the first openly non-binary actors cast in a major television show. In June , to mark the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots , an event widely considered a watershed moment in the modern LGBTQ rights movement , Queerty named them one of the Pride50 "trailblazing individuals who actively ensure society remains moving towards equality , acceptance and dignity for all queer people".

Asia kate dillon long hair


American Musical and Dramatic Academy. Consultado el 28 de marzo de ISSN


At least not exactly. My character is there to enforce the binding rules of the High Table. So, they didn't make the rules, they're just there to let people know that if you break them, there are going to be consequences. It was really fun to have the Adjudicator as another expression of a non-binary identity, wearing all of this high-femme fashion. I just want to be comfortable above all else. But, as we get older, we have these gender boxes that we're supposed to fit into when it comes to swimsuits, so I was always really uncomfortable.

Asia kate dillon long hair

The bottom line is that, regardless of their differences, they all share one very important trait: for them, standing out, rather than blending in, is not an option but a necessity. Asia Kate Dillon is an actor who has made history through their role of Taylor Mason on the Showtime series Billions , which marks the first non-binary main role on American television. They currently star in Orchid Receipt Service , a play which they produced, alongside a cast primarily made up of transgender and gender-nonconforming artists. At what point did you realize that you identify as nonbinary? I thought, Well, how can you have a female gender, but not a gender-nonbinary identity?

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They were the youngest student ever admitted to the class. The Hollywood Reporter. Dillon graduated from the American Musical and Dramatic Academy. Retrieved March 6, Consultado el 28 de marzo de Retrieved November 28, We're All Gonna Die in production Short film. Consultado el 6 de marzo de December 8, Archivado desde el original el 20 de marzo de My Popcorn Nights Short film. Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur. April 10,

In a Donald Trump presidency era , where many social issues seem to be moving backwards in time , it's more important than ever to celebrate the change-makers breaking barriers.

Retrieved June 19, BBC News. Entertainment Weekly. Recurring role seasons 4—5 [5]. Tools Tools. Billions star Asia Kate Dillon on how non-binary people fit into the Emmys". Retrieved March 2, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur. Torres directors June 7, Retrieved April 18, The Guardian. Consultado el 6 de marzo de LGBT Weekly.

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