april ludgate gay boyfriend

April ludgate gay boyfriend

Entertainment Snakehole Lounge. Mouse Rat Andy's Band. April Ludgate. April starts as an intern at the parks department who is somewhat rebellious and is often annoyed by her fellow parks department workers.

She is portrayed by Aubrey Plaza. She later becomes the Deputy Director of Animal Control. April, along with Plaza's performance, garnered universal acclaim and has gained popularity for her goth -like behavior and deadpan -style comedy. April Ludgate is a college student who starts out working as an intern in the Pawnee parks and recreation department. She lives with her parents, Larry John Ellison Conlee and Rita Terri Hoyos , who, in direct contrast to their daughter, are warm and friendly.

April ludgate gay boyfriend


October 15, While picking spirit dogs in season six, her coworker Donna Meagle Retta described her as follows:. Bythe couple is expecting their second child.


She was an employee at the Pawnee Department of Parks and Recreation , originally as an intern. Her alter egos include Janet Snakehole and Judy Hitler. She is portrayed by Aubrey Plaza. April Ludgate is a college student who starts out working as an intern in the Pawnee parks and recreation department. April is extremely uninterested in the job and acts very dryly and sarcastically around her co-workers.

April ludgate gay boyfriend

Living… in Pawnee, Ind. When the town government shut down, she took a three-month trip to Venezuela, where she met a boyfriend named Eduardo. Once she brought him back to Pawnee, he became great friends with Andy, her ex. Her entire plan backfired. So much for the American Dream. April is a perfect professional match for Ron, who likes his workers to do as little as possible because of his belief that government should essentially wither and die. April started as a college intern with little to no interest in the gig, and eventually became a permanent hire with no interest in the gig. Ron is more than happy to have her nap on the job. The less that gets done, the better. Interests… April has no pretensions when it comes to her interests.

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They admit their mutual attraction to each other in the season finale, but she tells him she does not want to get involved with him because he still has feelings for Ann. Archived from the original on May 18, When local reporter Joan Callamezzo Mo Collins is honored by the mayor, April starts to feel that her life has not been fulfilled yet, and realizes working in the Parks Department really is not her dream job. In addition, it is revealed that April and Andy are still happily married in , with April working for Leslie. The role of April Ludgate was written specifically for Aubrey Plaza. Retrieved April 22, April tells Andy to do all of the things she hates doing for her for a month. Retrieved May 22, Parks and Recreation. Hidden categories: Articles with short description Short description is different from Wikidata Use mdy dates from January Articles with MusicBrainz identifiers.

Entertainment Snakehole Lounge. Mouse Rat Andy's Band. April Ludgate.

For the first two seasons, her boyfriend is Derek Blake Lee , who is openly bisexual and who simultaneously dates an openly gay college student named Ben Josh Duvendeck , whom April dislikes. April traveled to Venezuela between seasons but has returned to Pawnee to continue her job at the Parks Dept. Leslie takes April to the American Service Foundation, which helps determine potential occupations for job-seekers. In the season finale, April has Leslie named a founder of the revamped city of Pawnee and motivates her to convince the National Park Service to move the Midwest Branch to Pawnee, which allows Leslie and Ben to stay. April was responsible for uploading the staff bios onto the Pawnee parks and recreation site, [6] and she jokingly made a fictional bio for herself that reads as follows:. Contents move to sidebar hide. In a series of flash-forwards in the final episode , April and Andy ask Leslie and Ben for advice regarding the prospect of having children, which Andy very much wants but April does not. She changes her mind after he gets into a car accident and the two kiss for the first time, but she leaves abruptly after he reveals Ann kissed him. Archived from the original on May 18, They admit their mutual attraction to each other in the season finale, but she tells him she does not want to get involved with him because he still has feelings for Ann. Saturday Night Live The Cut. Her favorite color is greenish-transparent and her favorite movie is the one you just watched. While she pretends to be excited that her old nemesis Ann is leaving Pawnee, the pair share a nostalgic farewell at the Pawnee Commons site in " Ann and Chris ".

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