ao3 baldurs gate 3

Ao3 baldurs gate 3

This chapter is Korrilla-centric and explores my headcanons about her, with some whippings and brat taming from Raphael and Fortune on the side. I find it so interesting that Raphael criticizes Karsus and the players for overreaching their limits, when he's doing some overreaching himself for thinking he can ao3 baldurs gate 3 on Asmodeus. I've seen folks finding it hard to believe his bedroom habits for a character so power-hungry. He says he hates chittering children, but seems fond of Mol for her perceived virtues, ao3 baldurs gate 3.

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. Theirs was a slow romance, and one that took them both by surprise. But oh, once the fire was lit, theirs was a love that could light up the deepest of nights. In Tav's heart, Halsin found a home; in Halsin's heart, Tav found freedom.

Ao3 baldurs gate 3

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. Theirs was a slow romance, and one that took them both by surprise. But oh, once the fire was lit, theirs was a love that could light up the deepest of nights. In Tav's heart, Halsin found a home; in Halsin's heart, Tav found freedom. Neither were what the other expected, but as it turned out, each was what the other needed. Female Tav; no other companions included in said romance. For those just here for the smut, here's the list of chapters you'll want to hit up they're also marked NSFW in the chapter titles : Chapter 5. Will update tags as I go. The main ship is my names tav Circe and Zevlor with mentions of past Circe and Astarion. There also is a bit of side Rosie and Halsin.

Main Content While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, ao3 baldurs gate 3, it will work better with it enabled. Can't promise a happy ending. By the nine hells did she find them arrogant and, consequently, difficult to get along with.

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. Theirs was a slow romance, and one that took them both by surprise.

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. For the same story broken into three shorter stories which stack, try Rats to Radiance. Astarion's swirling thoughts were interrupted abruptly as they passed through a gate; they had moved into a shadier part of the market and his escort's grip had tightened less-than-protectively on his arm. The vampire's eyes searched his face, a cold chill of fear running through him at what he found. Dumb though he was, the man knew something.

Ao3 baldurs gate 3

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. Iymlochar has no memory of who she is or why her blood sings at any act of violence, urges her to kill without abandon.

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Bookmarked by Vart 24 Feb Public Bookmark. Bookmarked by Leeny 22 Feb Public Bookmark. Top of Work Index. But the winds shift as forces building beneath Baldur's Gate begin to make their moves. The bastard Raphael left a mark on her, after their sin in his king-sized bed- not a mere love bite, but his goddamn initial, in Infernal script, branded onto her skin. Log In. A stranger in a strange land becomes a perfect, unknowing, vessel. Though the spoilers will be mostly limited to the part of the game the fic is currently at, there may still be spoilers based on Astarion and Durge knowledge that comes from later game play. Or will she eventually fall prey to the Mindflayer tadpole in her head or worse Wyll was lost in a fight, making Karlach promise to take care of Tav with his final breaths. Six years ago, Karlach descended back to Avernus with her friends in the hopes of finding a fix for her heart. Or, the story of how Haarlep gets a tadpole-induced vacation, makes some friends, plays matchmaker, gives Raphael another stress ulcer, and maybe saves Toril along the way. Astarion is all too used to being on his knees for someone. Her heart jumped.

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In.

On their way to finding a cure, maybe the noble halfling and the charlatan vampire will find out they have more in common than just being two lovable Baldurian rogues. As much as you enjoy celebrating victories with your companions, Astarion's suggestion to slip away is so much more enticing Thankfully their friends have some ideas! Please consider turning it on! Harleep was pregnant with his masters heir when the fight with Tav and their company broken into the House of Hope for the hammer. Tav is an asshole and hands Astarion over to Gandrel at the first opportunity. Gale of Waterdeep, wizard extraordinaire, was drowning in it — savouring every sip, every glass, every bottle, just in case it could make him forget the fact that he followed her after all. Wyll was lost in a fight, making Karlach promise to take care of Tav with his final breaths. But she also knows she can't let Raphael have the Crown of Karsus. They are both terrible flirts with no intention of letting emotions get involved - 'intention' being the keyword. Thankfully their friends have some ideas! Or: Several years before the game, Astarion is tasked with finding a scholar on infernal magic to provide the last puzzle piece missing from Cazador's ritual. It was just a passing spark of lust that would snuff itself out as they neared their destination. Top of Bookmark Index. The light flared bright and blinding.

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